Like a Bus~Lubowich

900 15 6

Requested by @FandomTrash0328

Kendall's POV
Y/N parked the car and I jumped out.
"Slow down sis! We're only-"
"10 minutes late!" I interrupted, rifling through my bag for my script.

She tossed it to me and I caught it, running inside.
When I got in, they were setting up very few props, mostly set pieces.

"Sorry I'm late, my sister-"
"Oh my gosh Hannah, you're an entire 11 minutes late today! How unspeakable!" Nick exclaimed.
I sighed, ready to beg on my knees for forgiveness, until I heard the sarcasm.

"Lauren and James aren't even here yet, you're okay. Hey Y/N!"
He called to my sister in the back.
She usually stuck around for rehearsals, but just sat in the back rows and occasionally helped out.

I sat on the edge of the stage, rereading my lines to be thorough.
Corey Lubowich came and stared down next to me, and I looked up. He leaned closer to me and whispered, "Hey, is your sister seeing anyone?"

I shook my head.
"She couldn't land a date if it hit her like a bus." I laughed.
Corey just nodded and kept staring at her.
"Right, right... so no then?"
"No, she's not seeing anyone. Why?"
He shook his head.
"Just curious."

I raised an eyebrow, but went back to reading my script.

*time skip*

"Hey Y/N, can you help me out in here?"
I looked up from my phone, and Corey Lubowich was waving me over to the booth.

I stood up and he was holding a box up on the top shelf with one hand, wobbling back and forth like it was about to crush him.

"Whoa!" I yelped, running over to help him.
We pushed the box up with both hands, and way towards the back of the top shelf.
I breathed out and turned around, to be in way closer proximity to Corey than I realized.

His arms were on either side of me, keeping me locked in place.
I laughed awkwardly, and so did he.
When he put his arms down I stepped away, letting him clean his glasses off.

He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out.
"Is that it, you all good?" I asked.
I flashed a quick thumbs up, and turned around, so I went to sit back down.

When I sat back down, I checked the time.
Only another 6 minutes to go, and then I have to get home so I can get ready for work.
I was really proud of my little sister.
She was in an actual show, viewed by hundreds of thousands of people.
It's so cool.

I turned around and looked at the booth, and Corey was pacing back and forth mumbling something to himself.

I smiled and watched for a little, before I deemed it creepy to watch anymore.
He was kind of cute, like he had a charming way about him.
Most other guys are really funny and effortlessly charismatic, but Corey seemed like the smart type of funny.
Like more witty than comedic.

Maybe I'll ask him out sometime.
I mean I don't think he's dating anyone...
Not to sound rude.

"What if tomorrow..." Kendall sang, and then whoosh! was heard from the stage.
They started wrapping up, so I stood up and stuck my phone in my back pocket.

Kendall made her way up the steps, so on the way out the door I stopped at the booth entrance.
"Hey Corey."
He stopped pacing and turned around.

"Do you wanna go out sometime for coffee, or something?"
He smiled widely.
"Yes. Yah, sure." He nodded.
I smiled. "Great, I'll see you tomorrow when I drop Kendall off."

He nodded. "Yah! Great. See you tomorrow."
I waved to him and we walked out to the car.

"He asked about you this morning you know."
I raised an eyebrow as we climbed it o the car.
"What do you mean?"
Kendall shrugged and buckled her seatbelt.
"Just, he asked if you were seeing anyone."

I started the car up.
"And what did you say?"
"That you couldn't land a date if it hit you like a bus."
I punched her arm and laughed.

"What? It's true."
She pulled her ukulele out of her bag and I backed out of the parking space.
"Shut up and play something jerk."

I laid back in my seat smiling while Kendall played Waving Through a Window, feeling relaxed and happy.


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