chapter 6

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the date

steven was getting ready for a night with connie , he call in and book an table at italy restaurant . steven had his wallet , his lion for safety for his arm , and a thing of roses .

amethyst " so you going somewhere "

steven jump and look at amethyst and smile " yeah last week at the hospital i ask connie on a date i just i hope i wont mess up like the wedding idea "

amethyst " just remember don't let your roar out did no matter how scary you are "

it was 7:00 pm when steven arrive at connie house on lion , connie was waiting in the driveway , she was in a light pink dress and cream color heels .

connie " how your arm? "

steven " um it going great , i cant write with it but i been using my tail to write "

an hour later after the dinner , steven toke connie on the beach and walk around a little on the beach , they pull off there shoes and they hold them while walking in the sand and they can feel the water touching there feet , steven can feel it touching his tail remember him the day he turn into a monster . after a walk steven toke connie home and say goodbye to her .

after the two hours at the house alone steven look at his list and think " should i put more things to do on the list " he question him self .

amethyst " so how was it ? "
steven " go..good " steven roar a little

amethyst " you catch a breadstick with your tail "

steven roar more , it fun that way for him and amethyst to talk this way because garnet or pearl doesn't know what he saying some time , it kinda the best .

word : 325

thanks for reading i hope you vote and comment and have a great day

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