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Avery POV

I was walking in the woods close to the boundary line until a wave of pain hit me I let out a bloody scream, I heard my bones pop, crack, and shift around until I blacked out.


I woke up to a voice talking to me in my head
'Hey Avery'

I started to panic

'Whos there'

I said to the strange voice
'I am your wolf silly my name is demonia'

I felt relief wash over me

'Oh sorry but, um how did I shift I am not of age yet
'Avery you are a very special wolf and you mustn't tell anyone'

I nod mentally I wonder what I look like. Then I heard my name being called in the distance I slowly shift back and hurried to where I heard my dad calling my name.
End of dream

I jumped awake I looked at my clock the red numbers flashing 5:05. Let me introduce myself I am Avery, My dream was from when I was 5 years old I was by the boarder because I got lost. Yeah I know I was stupied for getting lost in my own territory. My mom always told me to never go over the boarder because on the other side of the boarders is where mean werewolves lives. I didn't know what she meant at the time but, I listened none the less. She was talking about rogues they are ruthless, and hate pack wolves that is how my aunt died. My Aunt was protecting my mom because my mom was pregant with me. Wolves normally shift when they turn 15 but, not me I turned when I turned 5 because I am what is known as a blood wolf. As a wolf I am pure black with black wings my eyes are golden as a human a got long black hair but, looks blue in the moonlight, I am tan like the rest of the werewolves, and rainbow eyes I use my powers to change my eyes to a ocean blue. But, if I am mad turn a dangerous red I only got that mad once.
Me and my friend, Layla was talking about how our first shift would be since no one knew I already shifted, not even her I was just listening. I was 10 at the time and all of a sudden rogues surrounded us there was like 10 of them I slowly turned around to Layla and seen fear in her eyes "hurry run and inform the Alpha" I whispered. I didn't need to tell her twice as soon as I said that she took off running. After she was gone one rogue started to talk "aw look what we got here fellows a pack wolf that can't shift it would almost be a shame to tear her and her family to pieces". I got so mad I don't want them to kill my family if I have something to say about it all of the rogues started backing away whimpering. I didn't know why I had scared them until another rogue exclaimed out of fear "her eyes are ... glowing RED"! I didn't understand why my eyes were glowing red until Demonia explained they glow red when I get mad enough. Before I knew I shifted and still my had  my red eyes all of the rogues looked at me scared they probably thought all of them could take me because they all shifted. Before I knew it I killed them allI shifted back and few minutes later Layla, my mom, my dad, the Third, the Beta, and the Alpha stood there shocked as they looked at the rogues on the ground dead and my bloody hands.
End of Flashback

Anyways not something more intersting and not as bloody. Since I am a Blood Wolf I get powers here is the list of what only werewolves know the Blood Wolf have fly, run as fast as lighting, heal faster than anything in the supernateral world. Also this is the list of powers nobody knows about

shapeshift into anything, change to color of her wolf fur, change color of hair, change color of eyes, can control the elements, teleport, and mess with people minds. You guys are probably wondering what I mean by mess with people minds, I can read there thoughts (very useful when someone is hiding something from me) , I can erase someones memory (I could use this if someone find out), put thoughts into other people heads (by this I mean if I want someone to think someone else is there mate I can, or want someone to think something happened before but it didn't its pretty useful if I am mad), I could change there emotions (I could make them mad at someone and they don't know wht or laugh ot cry it is pretty funny if you seen it in action), and I could control them( pretty useful if rogues come on the territory I could control them to kill themselfs and there will be no blood on my hands). I practice my powers sometimes Demonia told me my powers will work on a Alpha if I tried but, if someone found out without me knowing it I can't erase someone's memory and they will kill me from messing with the Alpha's mind. So there was about me I have a amazing wolf and tomorrow I am supposed to shift for the first time but, I am just going to lie and say I can't shift.

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