I'm Special

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Zane POV

Ever since yesterday I couldn't figure out what Avery is? She definally not human, last time I check human eyes don't glow. I walked into the kitchen expecting Avery to be making food but, she wasn't everyone was yelling for her.

My beta, Kyle disappeared and came back a few minutes later pulling Avery by the hair , I could see a hint of red in her eyes. Before I knew it she growled, even stronger than an Alpha Kyle instantly let go and Avery... Shifted? Into a black wolf with feathery wings, red eyes, and razor sharp teeth. OMG she is a blood wolf the most deady wolf know in the werewolf world. Everyone started running to the door but, I stayed staring at the beautiful, deadly creature. Right before someone ran off to tell my dad the doors shut close.
Avery POV

I got to say its fun to scare the people that scared me for years. After the doors slammed closed everyone turned around slowly like I'm going to kill with to much movement. I turned my head and my eyes met Zane's, he stared at me, he looked scared. The Big bad Alpha is scared of an Omega, well I might as well I shifted back with my clothes on. Everyone was so scared to be shocked or talk ok this silence is getting  boring "Everyone heres the deal no one and I mean no one goes running to the Alpha if they do I kill them slow and painful, also treat me like an equal, thing if I ask something be honest and if I tell you to do something do it without questioning, oh and one more thing no one act strange around the Alpha or he will know something is up" I demand. Everyone nod slowly I smiled and said "good now I'm hungary since no one letted me eat so someone make breakfast".

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