Part 26

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Emma had to go back to the school to drop out. Andrei had lent her his car, and he was stuck at home, twiddling his thumbs. He was exhausted from how many runs he was doing lately. When he heard a knock on the door, he rubbed his eyes. When he opened the front door, he was shocked to see the big boss standing there.

"Jewel. Can I come in?" He nodded, and the big man came in. He hadn't brought any reinforcements, which slightly worried Andrei.

Ricardo was the only thing he was known as. Sure, everybody knew his last name but dared not speak it. The chapter boss of the Freeburgh Leónes could have anyone's tongue cut out if someone broke that rule. Andrei gulped, trying to shut down his emotions before his anxiety was palpable. Ricardo had sat on the couch, and Andrei followed him.

"As you may be aware, Jewel, T-Bone was captured by the Dragons. They fucked him up. He was riddled with bullets." Ricardo didn't speak like he was from the streets, like almost everybody below him.

He'd clawed his way to the top, and Andrei shuddered internally, thinking about the number of deaths that had to occur for him to get that high up. Andrei knew Ricardo had no problem killing any of his own men or women. He was ruthless.

The gangster had even had his teeth filed down and sharpened to give him more of a killer vibe. The sleeves of tattoos he had were terrifying enough, but it was the teardrops that were the worst. A hollow teardrop started below his right eye, and then a string of eight filled-in drops followed. He'd probably stopped bothering to count all the people he'd murdered after that. His brown eyes were flat and cold. Andrei looked into those eyes and tried not to show fear.

"Man, that's rough. I had no idea. I haven't seen him in a few days." Ricardo nodded. His dark brow stayed steady. For a man pushing forty, he had very few wrinkles.

"You're next up in the hierarchy. Jewel, you'll be taking over as shot-caller. You'll have a fair amount more of product to handle, but you'll get a bigger cut." Andrei didn't want to be going further up, he wanted to be thinking of a way out. Emma's words had really touched him when she told him he was being brainwashed. Now, with a kid on the way, he wanted out more than ever. He'd even prayed that it wasn't going to be a girl. The extra money seemed tempting, and he really didn't want to piss off Ricardo.

"What are my new obligations?" Andrei sat listlessly while Ricardo listed all of his new duties. He was paying attention but didn't speak. Andrei was hoping that Emma wouldn't return until the big boss was gone. He was sure that Ricardo would recognize Emma as the former mayor's daughter.

"Let's go get you some new ink," Ricardo said. Andrei complied and left with him.

Emma was driving home from the meeting with the school when she spotted a "help wanted" sign in the window of a little mom-and-pop diner. The place looked grimy, but she pulled in anyway. When she walked in, she inquired with the hostess about the sign.

"Oh, yes, we're looking for a busser. It's not much pay, but you also get tipped out. Should I tell the owner you're interested?" Emma said yes and waited. When the owner came over, he eyed Emma's ratty shoes and holey hoodie.

"Are you looking for a job, young lady?" Emma nodded.

"Yes, I am. I really need to work. Is there anything available for me?" He eyed her carefully.

"How old are you?" His tone was slightly accusatory. Emma swallowed.

"I'm seventeen." The scrutiny continued.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" Emma shook her head.

"I dropped out. My mother kicked me out of the house, my car got totaled, so I'm borrowing one, and I have some big bills coming up. I don't have any bussing experience, but I'm a hard worker and quick to learn." The owner cracked a smile.

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