"I was, I swear! Is this the same Mike we met last weekend? What happened to the other guy?"

"He started acting weird. I can't deal with a person who is not honest with himself. Speaking of honesty, when are you going to come around about Ian?"

I winced slightly at the question. "I haven't thought about it honestly and since I barely see him these days, I have kind of just left it alone. I know he wants to be in a more serious relationship. I just don't know if that is what I want right now."

He turned to face me fully. "Do you love him?"

"Of coarse I do." I say without hesitation

He raised an eyebrow at me cocking his head to one side. "Then what is the problem?"

"That's the thing, there shouldn't be a problem. I don't know what it is, but something is holding me back, making me hesitate.

"I can understand that." A mischievous grin slowly lit up his face. "I would be on the fence too if I was able to hang around someone as hot as Kai Shin." He said with a chuckle. "The man is fire!"

I instantly felt the heat rising to my cheeks and I just knew that had managed to blush in spite of my spicy caramel complexion. "So hot!" I agreed fanning myself dramatically. "He is already in a relationship though. No surprise there right? You know I am not in the home wrecking business."

"Yeah, I know. The two of you look so nice together though."

"I thought so, too." I said as I stared into the bottom of my own glass. The tone of my voice colored slightly with a particular thirst that wasn't going to be abated by anything in liquid form.

Garren hadn't been lying. In the last month, I had definitely seen Kai at least ten times because what the man had failed to mention was that Kai was his new financial advisor. Which meant that I would be dealing with Kai directly and entirely since I was now the assistant to the VP. I would have to call the man to set up meetings and luncheons and even dinners.

My mind drifted back to the last time I was with him two days ago. It was definitely easier to talk with him now. For days, it had been quite difficult for me to even be in the same room with him. I would just grin at him like an idiot and giggle like a teenager.

"It still makes me laugh when I think about how you reacted when we first met him that night." Greg said echoing my thoughts as the bartender set another drink down for each of us. "You were so ridiculous! It was a whole side of you that I had never seen before. Even when you had met Ian, you weren't so awestruck."

"Ugh, don't remind me. He still makes fun of me sometimes." I said burying my face in my hands. I was starting to feel the alcohol take effect in that moment. "Sometimes I feel like I still act like an idiot around him. Bless him for taking pity on me and just ignoring me."

"Have you seen his girlfriend?"

I nod as I take a sip from my glass. "He showed me a picture once of the two of them at some event." I said looking through the bottom of my glass.


I took a sip of my drink. "Well, as expected, she is gorgeous! Just like any other Asian girl. Long hair, size zero. Too cute to be real, you know the type."

Greg raised an eyebrow at this. "Honey, YOU are gorgeous, if not more so." I only hummed in response.

"He loves her to death though, they have been dating for ages according to him. Since college or something. He is always talking to her on the phone or sending text messages. Can't stop talking about her either."

"So what is the hold up if they are so in love?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Something to do with her parents and the fact that they are Korean. Something about upholding traditions, it is apparently a big deal. I was trying to listen, I really was, but I get so distracted when I look at him for too long. They want her to marry some guy whose dad is a close friend of her dad. How ever can someone not approve of Kai? He is being so patient too. He is so great!" I said, my voice taking on a dreamy tone.

Greg rolled his eyes. "What about his parents?"

"He says that they don't like it, but they will give it time. He hopes their patience doesn't run out in the too near future."

"So your chances are dim indeed, if not non-existent all together." He said after a moment.

I scoff. "Don't remind me."

"Hmm, interesting." His phone buzzes. He picks it up, reads, and then starts typing away, a slight smile on his face. "Do you have anything to do this evening?" He asked looking back up at me after setting the phone back down.

"No, for once. I am going to take my tired self home and get ready for tomorrow. It is going to be a long day and I still need to get ready for the trip on Thursday."

"Oh yeah, you get to go to Washington D.C. I heard the gay guys are a dime-a-dozen down there. Flash my pic around would you?"

I burst out laughing at this, my inner battle pushed off for the moment. "You heard that, did you? I will let you know how it goes." I emptied my glass before placing it back onto the counter. "Ready?" I asked pushing back the barstool and standing.

"After you." He said to me as I placed the money on the counter and thanked the bartender. The evening was pleasant as we stepped outside. It wasn't as cold today with the temp being in the upper twenties. Still I looked forward to warmer temperatures.

"Did you want me to ride back with you?" He asked as he draped his arm over my shoulder pulling me close to him. It seems as if I am once again forgiven for my slackerness.

I wrapped my arm around his waist as I leaned into him. "No, but thank you kindly, my dear."

"Good, because Mike wants to meet up." He said shoving me off of him before darting off toward the subway entrance. "I will text you later Missy!"

I stood there open mouthed for a few seconds watching him cross the street. "You better!" I managed to get out just as he disappeared down the stairs. To my surprise, he actually resurfaced for a moment to wave.

I was starting to feel just a little dejected as I turned and walked away. Originally, I was going to walk home, but my feet were starting to hurt slightly as I was still trying to get used to three-inch heels on an all-day basis. I sat down on the bus stop bench and pulled out my phone to order an Uber. I noticed that I had a missed call and a text message.

There is that feeling again. Or is that the alcohol? I wonder as the familiar feeling creeps into my stomach and curls up getting cozy. I cast my glance upward and let out a silent scream.

It was him.

It was Kai, and he wanted to meet me.

Suddenly, There was KaiWhere stories live. Discover now