♨︎The Investigation♨︎

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                              ☥Y/N's POV☥

As I woke up to be sitting in a chair in front of an wooden table I began to panic.

Just then the two policemen from before came into the room. One of them had a potty face the other seemed very pissed off.

They sat in front of me with a few papers in there hands.

" Hey there kid, I'm officer Yia & I'm here to ask you a few questions with my friend here " Yia said as he pointed to the other policeman at his side.

I just sat there.. My eyes staring right at them with a straight face.

" W-What can you tell us about the Villains you know of..? " Yia asked in a polite manner

I still didn't answer. I'm not gonna rat out my friends to some policemen . That's one of the rules of being a Villain, Dabi taught me well.

" GOD DAMNIT KID JUST TELL US SOME INFORMATION SO WE CAN GET THIS THE HELL OVER WITH! " The second policeman yelled as he slammed his hands on the table making both me & the other policeman jump.


I covered my mouth & giggled at the man's name.. TODD. Pfft what a joke!

After a while of everyone calming down & silence Yia broke the quietness.

" Hey you don't need to tell us about the Villains if your not ready, You can tell us about your Family & how you became a villain " He said as he looked at me with a smile.

" Well.. My Family is not a topic I like to talk about but I can tell you a few things.. " I said as I looked up at them

" My Mother was a Businesswoman, She had a lot of money & spoiled herself with it. My Father was the sweetest person I ever knew. He was a stay home Dad. Our Family was perfect until I got my Quirk when I was 5. My Quirk requires a special type of drug to activate itself so we went to a special doctor every 2 months to buy these expensive pills for my Quirk.. " I said with a sad face

" These pills were so expensive that they took half of the money out of my Mother's paycheck almost every month, She hated the fact that she couldn't spend the amount of money she use to because of my Quirk.. So she started abusing me, Hitting, Kicking, Name Calling, etc. My Father always tried to stop it but he always couldn't be there to intervene.. "

" Then one night she got so mad that she took me away from home & abandoned me in the Forest, Dabi found me & he took me in "

The two policemen men stared at me in shock as I told them about my Family & Past.

Yia  stood up & picked up his papers & looked at me. " We'll leave you to yourself, So just be calm & Todd & I will call someone to get you " He said as he grabbed his friend & left.

I put my head on the table & closed my eyes..

My Mother & I were sitting in a Waiting Room at the Doctor's office. She was tapping her finger on the arm rest as I played with on of my toys..

I looked up at her with my eyes about to ask her something but the lady at the front desk called us up.

" Mrs. L/N it's time for your appointment with the Doctor " The nurse would say as we got up & walked towards her

" Right this way " The Nurse said as she opened a door to the Doctor's Room

We walked in to see my normal doctor & we took a seat in front of his desk.

" Good Morning Doctor! I'm sorry for making a appointment on such a short notice for my child Y/N " My Mother said as she put a small smile on her face

" It's Okay Mrs. L/N I'm always happy to make an appointment with you & Little Y/N " The Doctor said

" How much will it be for their Pills this month..? " She asked

" Oh the pills will cause 65$ dollars this time Mrs. L/N " The Doctor said with a grin on his face

She would put on a fake annoyed smile & she reaches in her purse and pulls out the money for the pills & giving it to the Doctor

" Thank you Mrs. L/N I'll be leaving you to your child " The Doctor said as he got up & left the room

My Mother would look at me with a disgusted face & slapped me making me fall back on the floor

" Damn you Useless Child.. Making spend money on your horrible quirk.. I can't even buy myself any jewelry this month.. You Brat! "

She yelled as she grabbed my hair & threw me at the wall.

             ☭☹︎ FLASHBACK ENDED ☹︎

A loud knock from the top window of the room woke me up & I looked up to see..

                             Dabi & Toga

I gasped at the sight of my friends. I rush over to the window with a chair opening the window.

They both climbed in & dusted themselves off.

I jumped into Their arm & hugged them.

Dabi would brush his fingers though my hair as he smile appeared on his face.

" Oh come on Y/N-San! Dabi doesn't even shower but your hugging him first..? " Toga asked as she snatched me out of Dabi's arms

" What are you guys doing here..? How did you even find me..? " I asked with a confused face

" Kurogiri showed us in the papers that the Police Department found you out & took you here! " Toga said

" Yeah you've been gone you now for about 3 weeks but the real question is did you rat us out..? " Dabi asked with a straight face

I put an invisible zipper over my mouth while smiling up at Dabi & Toga.

Dabi would ruffle my hair  & give me a high-five.

He then turned to Toga. " Okay we're done here let's get the hell outta here before someone sees us here " Dabi said as he walked back to the window.

" Y'know you guys shouldn't break into windows like that. It's creepy " I said with a smug smile

Toga would laugh & climb outside the window after Dabi.

" We'll see you later too Y/N-San!~ " Toga said as she left

                                 ☩ Later ☩

A police car drove up to the 1-A Dorm. I opened the back of the Police car door & climb out.

I waved goodbye to the policemen & walked into the dorms feeling sleepy.

I saw Bakugo in his pajamas hiding something behind his back.

     We stared at each other for a minute.



                                   ( TBC )

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