☂︎ Lost With The Green Boy ☂︎

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I turn around to see a guy with green hair & freckles who had a look of worry on his face. He bent down to my height. With caught me off guard so flinched & started to move backwards. " Hey it's okay! I-I'm Izku! " He held his hand out to me. " What's your name..? " He asked

I began to fiddle with my fingers nervously.           " My name is Y/N.. " I said softly while looking down. I know I shouldn't be telling random people my name but it's not like he's a old man or something.. Plus he's wearing a school uniform..

" Hey Y/N are you lost..? " He asked me
My eyes watered as I looked back up at him & nodded my head. " H-Hey don't cry you can come with me I-if you want! "

I figured since I had nowhere else to be or go I could stay with his guy since he seems nice enough.. We started walk to the location he said his school was.

When we got there I started to recognize the
building a bit more.. IS THIS U.A?!?! I was obviously shocked & had fearful trembles go down my back..

      ( Basically how you look right now )

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      ( Basically how you look right now )

What Quirk does this guy have to get into the Best hero school?! Now I wished I asked a old lady for help or something. We started to walk inside the building. So many older people were looking at me with made me grip my hoodie tightly. Where is this guy's classroom.. I'm already tired of walking around these hallways..

" Here we are! " I looked up to see the green haired boy was pointing to a sign that says 1-A. Is this the top classroom or something?! Hell I'll be lucky just to see some future heroes in here..

As we started to walk in I tried to get a good look around the classroom & it's students. I can't lie when I say this.. I was basically scared for my life.. Waking into a place with young heroes scared me..

" Hey Midiriya! " I heard a voice say as I turn around to see a girl with brown hair. " Hey Uraraka "  I started to  scratch my hand nervously as I looked at the floor..

" Who is this next to you..? " I noticed that the brown haired girl was referring to me

" I'm Y/N L/N "  I said as I started to see that everyone was looking at me.. I felt so uncomfortable. " Why did you bring a little ass kid in here..? " I heard a voice say.. " Well they were lost so I decided to bring them in here to help " Midoirya said as he looked at the blond haired guy who was basically talking bull shit..

" I would had left them.. It's there fault for being lost anyways " The Blond said as I looked at him & started to get angry. " Oh shut the hell up you ass it's not like anyone asked for your words anyways! " I've haven't cursed in a long time but this seems like the appropriate language to talk to a Blonde headed hedgehog.

" WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?! I'LL KILL YOU!! " The Blonde started to stand from his chair & to be honest I already wanted to beat him into a pancake.

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