Part. 01

103 3 4

Jimin POV.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.
I groaned and slowly opened my eyes as the sun light stung for a few seconds.

I got out of bed and went to shower, I took my clothes off and stripped down.
I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.
I quickly looked away and took a quick shower.
I didn't look in the mirror again that morning, not even for a split second.

I quickly got dressed and left the bathroom
I grabbed my bag, phone and jacket then walked downstairs

Me: "MUM?!"


Me: "Is anyone here?!"

Silence, again

I realized that she's gone already

*sigh* I checked the time on my phone 8:05

Me: "Better leave for school"

With that I left and locked the door behind me
I put my headphones in and began walking to school

/ /

I arrived at school and walked with my head down dragging as little attention as possible.

But someone pushed me against the locker.

??: "hey loser! I was talking to you"

He saw my headphones and ripped them out my ears

??: "hey! Speak bitch!"

Me: "w-what's up.. J-jungkook?"

Jungkook: "Are you deaf now too, fatty?"


Jungkook: "I said.. where. Is. My. Money?!"

He pushed me harder between every word

Me: "I don't have any"

I spoke with all my courage

Jungkook: "don't lie I know you got some change somewhere. And if you don't give it to me, the boys will"

He shoved me into the lockers hard

Me: *gasp* "I-i told you.. i d-don't have a-any money"

My voice cracked

Jungkook punched me hard and I fell on the ground

Jungkook: *sigh* "I didn't wanna have to do this today.. but you give me no choice..

After he said that his friends started kicking me
I took all the blows till I blacked out

Your probably wondering.. what is going on?

Well let me explain..

It wasn't always like this
At the start of the year I had 1 friend he was my best friend

We had each other and that's all we wanted..
Till he showed up

Taehyung was so obsessed with him that he kinda stopped paying attention to me

In dance class us 3 were always partnered together

Taehyung and Jungkook would dance and I would film

In my own time I used to watch them dance and learn the dances

One day Jungkook had an injury and couldn't dance, So I took his place.

But I messed up the steps and ... got hurt
There was a lot of blood
I got scared and panicked
Whereas Jungkook carried him to the hospital
.. and that was the last time I saw him

I hope to see him and apologize..
But it's been almost a year since he left
I'm starting to lose hope
But ever since Taehyung left, a group of Jungkook friends  started bullying me

It started with verbal, then cyber and finally physical

They didn't care..

Nobody did..

Not even my own parents..

You see my dad left before I was born and my mum..

She doesn't spare a second for me.
It's always work, work, work
Recently she's stopped giving me lunch money and she's stopped getting food for the house..
Because she's never here
So I have to work at the nearby cafe to make ends meat.
I only work weekends but I have to make enough to buy food for myself and my mum everyday of the week
Of course with school, my mum, clubs and work it is stressful but I just have to deal with it.

*back to reality*

I woke up in a familiar room
I sighed before slowly getting up
I hate being in here
They never actually do anything except lie you down
I grabbed my bag and walked out
I checked the time on my now cracked phone
I cursed under my breath
2:53, it's too late for me to go to my classes so I just decided to walk home

I didn't care that I missed class

I passed the point of giving a shit about anything.

When I arrived home I took my shoes off, dropped my bag and ran upstairs
I went on my phone and watch a few videos till I hear the door open


I ran downstairs because her screams always scare me

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