"Fuck yes baby, touch him." Trevor replies for Liam.

I grip him in my hand. Hes soft and warm. It feels like velvet wrapped in steel. I've heard that description before, but it makes sense now. He's so hard and big. God it's really huge I'm a little intimidated. My fingers touch on the other side of him, but barely. He grips my hand in his and shows me how to move up and down him. He moans loudly and let's go of my hand to let me explore.

His balls are tucked into his jeans still and I'm a little disappointed because I want to feel them. He has pre cum at the tip that starts to drip down the side. I move my hand up to catch it and drag it down on the next stroke so my hand slides smoother. His hips buck up into my hand and he makes a breathy, tortured sound.

"It feels so fucking good angel. So good."

I continue the strokes but lean forward further. "Kiss me," I demand.

He immediately follows my command and I quicken my hand's pace. His hand tangles in my hair while he kisses me erratically and I can tell he's close to coming. I'm not sure how the logistics of this work..if he's just going to come all over my hand and himself, but I don't stop to ask. After a few more seconds of kissing and pumping I feel liquid run down my hand as his dick twitches and spurts. He moans loud into my mouth and I swallow it down feeling a serious satisfaction for bringing those sounds out of him.

"Jesus Mia." He struggles to get the words out and his breathing is shallow. I look down to see my hand and his jeans covered in his jizz. I don't mind it. I thought it would be gross, but nothing about by guys is gross. If anything I want more now. I want Bash's and Trevor's cum to spill and their moans in my mouth.

I feel powerful and sexy. I look up to see the truck has stopped. We are parked at the very back of the dorm building's lot in the dark. I don't see any cars around and I'm thankful, that would have been embarrassing with an audience. Speaking of audience.. I turn to my boys and see that they both have their dicks in their hands too. Trevor's is slightly smaller then Liam's, but it still seems too big for what it's purpose is. His jeans are covered in cum as well and I smile knowing he got so turned on watching that he spilled himself.

"You are so sexy baby. That was so hot. Did you like it?" Trevor asks as he pulls me to him for a kiss.

I smile, "I really liked it. I guess I thought it would be more awkward or something, but I just feel like accomplished?" I giggle at my odd choice of words and Trevor's grin just grows,

"You accomplished a whole fucking lot in this truck. So much so that we are going to be doing a walk of shame to our room with cum stains everywhere."

"Worth it." Both the twins say in unison.

I can feel Bash's length against my back and turn to see.

He hasn't come yet that I can see. I'm feeling really fucking confident after that so I wiggle to turn around to face him and drop to my knees. It's a little odd and smushed on the truck floor, but I'm fairly tiny so it works. I'm between Bash's legs and he finally realizes my intention. He grabs the side of my face to make me look up at him.

"You don't have too unless you want too lover."

"I want." I say and lean forward to grab his dick. It's just as big as Liam and I pump it a few times. I'm not entirely sure what to do, but I've looked it up on the web and I feel like I have the gist of it. I lick from the base to the top to get the taste in my mouth. Bash moans and jerks his hips.

Trevor and Liam have both turned to face us and I hear Liam cursing and Trevor praying to someone before I seal my mouth over the mushroom tip of Bash's dick. I use my hand to cover what doesn't fit..which is most of it, and work to suck the length I can fit into my mouth.

"Babe I'm going to come pull your mouth away." Bash grunts like he's in physical pain.

I've asked some of my girl friends and they said it doesn't taste all that bad so I continue sucking and ignore him.

"Angel he's going to cum in your mouth, do you want to lick up his cum?"

I nod, which causes Bash's length further into my mouth and he grips my hair while he spills into my mouth. It's thick and really salty, but it's not horrible. I almost gag for a second, but I'm able to control it and breathe through my nose until he's done. I suck a couple more times to see if he has anything else left and he softens in my mouth. I pull off with a slurp and lick the cum off of him that slipped out of my mouth. This is not a very ladylike process let me tell you.

"I think you broke him baby." I turn to see Trevor and he is staring down at me instead of Bash, who I'm pretty sure he's talking about. Trevor's thumb comes down and wipes cum off of my chin. I figure he will wipe it on Bash's jeans or something, but he lifts his thumb to my lips so I suck it in and clean it off. He closes his eyes and breathes out, ruffling my hair. I smile up at him and he kisses my lips. I wasn't expecting that since I just had a dick in my mouth, but I'll always take kisses.

Liam is watching our exchange with rapt interest so I turn to kiss him too. He also doesn't seem to mind the fact he's essentially tasting his brother's jizz. I finally look to see Bash and his head is leaning back on the seat. His eyes are closed and he's breathing like he's asleep. I lean up to capture his lips with mine and Frankenstein comes back to life. He breaks the kiss and whispers into my mouth,

"I love you. I've loved since before I knew what love was." I lean back to see his eyes and I can tell he means it.

He seems entranced and leans in to kiss me again.

"I don't love you because you sucked my dick. Sorry this is weird timing. Ahh I shouldn't have said that, that made it even more weird." He's rambling now.. "I love you Mia. There is no one else for me, but you. I'll follow you anywhere, or nowhere."

A couple tears stream down my face as I kiss him for a few moments soaking in his declaration. I think my boys have said they loved me over a thousand times in this life time, but Bash's confession was different.

"I love you Sebastian." He wipes my tears with his thumbs and kisses my eye lids and spots all over my face. He hugs me to his chest and I sit there for a moment just breathing in his scent.

I look up to find Liam and Trevor with soft looks on their faces. I can't read how they feel about this, but they don't look upset.

"Lets head inside baby we have a lot to talk about." Trevor says as he reaches to hold my hand.

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