Ess Is For Spine-II

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We spend the next few hours cleaning and Ess proofing the house. And searching for my accordion. We found out that Ess enjoys climbing on top of things so she can jump onto people and anything that's sticky or gooey. It's a good thing some soaps fall into that category. He also enjoys only slightly wearing clothing, and is getting better and better at making everything that comes out of her mouth sound much more sexual than it needs to. But Drexel and Cecilia say that he only does it when I'm around. It doesn't really bother me though. I've been focusing on the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing here.

I miss home. I miss the warm air. I miss the smell of oysters and lavender and horses. I miss the sidewalks of my favorite streets and the colors of my favorite houses. I miss trying to find a spot to perform in the shade and wishing I had sunscreen when I couldn't. I miss looking at all the tourist's faces when they realize they're lost. Heck, I even miss the trash cans.

And my father. I always miss my mother but I've never been away from my father for more than a few days before. Now I haven't seen him in months. Half a year without a single word.

Standing at the kitchen counter I place a pencil to the nicest piece of paper I could find. I really wish Dad had a phone. Or an email address. Or any knowledge at all of how to use the internet. At least he has a mailbox that he checks every few weeks.

I don't know how to start. 'Dear Dad,'I've got that part but...really, what am I supposed to say? 'I know we're aliens and I miss you but I honestly have no clue where I am at the moment so I'll see you when I see you.'?What kind of a letter would that be? No, I have to really think about this. Explain things. Or I could keep it short and just tell him that I'm okay and I love him.

"I'd start from the beginning if I were you."

I spin around. Drexel is opening the fridge, probably getting ready to start making dinner. Cecilia must be giving Ess another wash. I wonder what she got into now. "From the viewpoint of someone who's lost a son, it would be a lot more helpful for both you and your father if you told him everything."

"...You lost a son?" My question is quiet.

"More like two. Cecilia told you that your room used to be a nursery. But the baby never made it. He was gone three days before he was supposed to be born." He nods, his lips a pressed line and his eyebrows non-expressent.

"Who was the other one?" My voice doesn't hit any higher than a whisper.

"That dancing man may have been old but I took care of him for fifteen years. Cecilia and I were actually just vacationing in New York,trying to get over our loss, when we found him. I convinced her that taking care of him would be good for us. And it was, we became happy.Then, well, you know..." He eyes almost glaze over.

"I'm sorry." I speak the only words I have. If we hadn't stolen Hans away he would still be teaching dance lessons in his studio. Drexel and Cecilia would still be happy. But Emmeline and I would still be lost.

"So make sure you tell him everything. Start from the beginning and don't leave any details out. Make it as many pages long as weeks you've been gone."

"But..."I hadn't figured out how to talk to him about it yet. I guess I have to now. "I can't remember the past five months. I mean, I remember little bits like dreams but I don't actually remember them. I don't know what to do." My voice shrivels at the end.

"Why?Did you hit your head?" He steps close, checking my eyes.

"No...I lost control. It's an Opaque thing that happens to me. I just-I can't sort things out. It's knotting my brain up." I hate talking about this.

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