3. do what i want, say what you say

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Freya P.O.V

There are very few times in my life where I didn't know what to do or where to go next. If it was up to me I would have stayed on this hotel bed forever. I would never come out again because I'd seen just how cruel the world can get in the blink of an eye. Everything was okay until it wasn't anymore. I don't understand.

I can't stop thinking about it. One moment they were discussing houses and the next we're fleeing for our lives. When did the switch happen and how could I have missed it?

The images of my parents being taken away won't stop flashing through my head. It's hard not to be angry at myself for doing nothing but it's what they wanted.

"Stand down." My mother's gaze had transmitted to me.

So that's what I did and that's why they are gone and I am here.

I'm most angry at myself if I had to be honest right now. In all the years that they've been in this business nothing like this ever happened to them. I've heard how people have gotten close but no one ever succeed that I knew of. Till now at least.

Maybe if I hadn't been with them in the car they could have gotten away. If they hadn't focused on getting me some place safe they could have avoided getting captured. Now they are somewhere and who knows if they are alive or how long they will remain so.

What's been racking up my brain the most is wondering who could have done this? Why did they till now to start acting? What did they want? Someone in our group had to have told them what our movements were going to be because it all went according to how that person wanted.

Before my thoughts could torment me further there was a loud pounding at the door suddenly. I gasp jumping out of the position I'd be laying in reaching for the gun instantly. Is it possible someone saw me last night and they came back?

I cock the gun then slowly get off the bed making my way towards the door. They pound again but this time I was ready for it. I can hear and feel my heart pounding like crazy in the middle of my chest.

"Who is it?" I call out preparing myself just in case anything happens.

"It's me." said a voice that for me will never be hard to recognize.

At that moment my heart drops and I let a breath I've been holding in. I put the safety on the gun before putting it away in the back of my shirt before swinging the door wide open.

Rather than question why he's here I immediately throw myself in his arms and he holds me to him as if for dear life.

"Have you been hurt?" Zayn questions with a worried look. His eyebrows are furrowed up together as he takes in everything.

"No..but my parents Z." I answer hating that I start to cry again. I thought I was done crying hours ago but all it took was seeing Zayn to break down again.

As bad as this was and trust me, I'm highly aware that it's all wrong. He's still my person for now. The one who let's me in and is there for me.

"We'll find them don't worry. We're here now so it will be okay." Zayn rubs my back trying to calm me down.

I can't help but frown when he pulls away from me a second later then proceeds to put more distance between us. I was going to ask why the switch up when another familiar voice calls out my name.

"Louis!" I call in relief when I see him making his way over. I'm surprised to see Freddie behind him as well and wonder who else came too but see no one else.

I embrace the both of them as tightly needing all the support I can get. When I pull away from Freddie I notice right away that something is different about him.

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