The ex mandalorian, sure had a lot of confidence to ask that, as anger was flaring through kylo- he wanted to slice her body in half with his lightsaber, or something in this room . "Do you have any idea who your talking to?!" His voice raised,

"No. Because your wearing a mask. I want to see your face." She roughly ordered. Fawn stellarfire wanted to pretend she was confidence but she was absolutely shitting herself. To even dare to speak to the beast in that way..

So, as she had asked, he ejected the mask off.. the sound of hissing coming out in the silence of the awkward room. Surprisingly, his face was just blank. No flared nostrils or gritted teeth like Fawn had expected. What the hell have I done. I've put myself in a mess!!? She panicked, but a smile that was unintentional grew on her face. "Here I am princess, now answer my question rebel maggot" he spat, still with a cold and blank face. Ouch.

"I am no rebel maggot. I am speaking to Kylo ren," she replied, attempting eye contact which was difficult in a time like this, and with a man so dominating and scary.

"What side are you truly on, Princess?" Kylo ren stepped forward, freezing Fawn with the force, no muscles or joints were able to move.. everything was restricted.. if even felt like her mind was restricted. And as the monster drew closer and closer, he brushed his cold black glove across her red rosey cheek. Then moving her snowy hair out of the way, he wrapped his hand around her neck.. in a gentle manor.

But if he wanted, he could strangle her. "I am on no side, after everything.. I don't want to be with the resistance nor with the first order" she sighed, her eyes growing sad.
After everything? What does the fool mean? He questioned,

"What happens if someone attempted to kill you then? What if I killed you?" Kylo blurted,

"I would love to kill you too kylo, however I am too weak to do so. But if someone else, i would of course kill them. I would never be a Jedi." Fawn truthfully replied, remaining calm as she could feel his cold breaths hitting her skin. He simply admired her. slowly taking his hand off her neck and releasing her from her frozen state. She didn't shudder or flinch at his touch, don't be silly..she's just a weapon in your game. he reminded himself.

He didn't understand her, but there was something fascinating that angered him. Though her presence was truly enchanting, her voice was calm and soothing, and she remained in a very formal tone. Most would not treat kylo which such kindness as she did.

"You interest me.. but what is it that you hide from everyone. Literally everyone."

He was curious, taking a few steps back to allow Fawn to have more room. To make her feel comfortable, to be honest, it was all simply a trap. To make her believe she could trust Kylo. "You never told me your true story princess" a sharp grin that was just tainted,

"Because If I did, I would be putting the stellarfire family into risk. Not that I care.. but you'd tell snoke. It's very obvious Ren" She told him in response, going back into a nervous state instead of the confidence state she had before. "It can be our secret" kylo suggested,

"Soon they will come kylo. They will find me, and when they do I'll be forced into hiding. And I can't risk you being killed.." Fawn rolled her eyes, avoiding tears that were beginning to well up. How pathetic Fawn. His smile didn't leave his face, and that wasn't a smile because he was enjoying her suffering, it was because of yesterday.

The beast had thought about how quiet Fawns thoughts were, but today they were loud as hell. He didn't know if it was just because of stress or Fawn was really finally connecting to him as he felt more... attached?
"Ah, so little princess is scared id be killed. I had believed you despised me." He mocked, now this amused him.. to see Fawn pissed off.

"I dislike you. Not despise." Fawn admitted, "although, you said you'd wouldn't let anyone harm me. With me being on the ship of the First order, the resistance will want me as well.. then the rumours will spread." Staring up in his eyes, she was overwhelmed almost..

"You should despise me. I captured you, I treat you like shit! Because your nothing to me!" His voice was raised, and his nostrils flared.

"I don't care, you saved me from people who used me! You think you know me but you don't! Hate me all you want, but you need me kylo. As you say.. I'm your weapon" she smirked, as she used what she knew about the force and reached into his mind. Only to see that she was theirs to kill. Kylo had believed Fawn didn't know how to use the force, but the girl had an act.

She was like poison to him.. "You have guts to act innocent.. I wish I could just kill you!" He screamed, anger getting the best of him as he took of his lightsaber off his belt, igniting it, the red blazing brightly. She hadn't seen his lightsaber.. and boy.. was it scary.

"Do it!" She dared, watching him jump forward with no hesitation. However, Fawn didn't blink nor flinch. The lightsaber only scorched her skin a little, as it was stuck in mid air above her skin. He wasn't able to do it. "This is your chambers, you sleep here now. You'll be able to find the lunch hall nearby." He sighed, before storming out , pulling his lightsaber away from anywhere near her skin.

And like that he left..

Beauty and the beast - kylo ren Where stories live. Discover now