Chapter 25

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Here's the next chapter of our beloved sheep. I hope you enjoy. I'm glad to see that many people have come to accept Nora not being on his team. I remember a lot of complaints at first, because people thought I'd completely lost comedy potential there, but I hope you can now see why I decided otherwise. A lot of comedy comes from conflict, for instance, Weiss as a disciplinarian and Ruby as a bit childish in the show. Or Yang and Blake being opposite in personalities.

Jaune and Nora might have "led" to funny situations, but the comedy wouldn't be there, as neither of them would be the embarrassed or horrified party. Nora would laugh and brute force through, while Jaune wouldn't understand why what just happened is a potentially embarrassing situation in the first place.

Nora and Blake, on the other hand? Well... amusement.

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 25 – Sheepish Explanations

"You've both let me down," Yang said, hands on her hips as she stared down at her two teammates. They were in their dorm, except that it now was occupied by four other people as well, and felt incredibly cramped. It probably didn't help that six of them stood to one side, presenting a very "us vs them" picture against Blake and Nora.

Not that Nora looked bothered in the slightest. If anything, she seemed amused.

Blake? A little less so...

"You've let me down so much," Yang continued, eyes stern. "When I came to Beacon, I expected many things. I expected that I'd be the wild one, that I'd be the trouble maker. Instead, I have to stand here and be the disciplinarian." She shook her head. "I honestly don't know what to say."

"Wait, are you more upset because of what we did or that we didn't invite you?"

Erk. Trust Blake to ask the complicated questions. Yang felt her partner's irritated gaze turn towards her and cleared her throat. "Neither," she lied. "I'm just upset, Blake. You really let me down..."

"Enough of this nonsense," Weiss snapped. "You joined the White Fang – a terrorist organisation. How could you!?"

"It's not like that. We didn't mean to join!"

"Not that! Literally. How could you? Nora isn't even a faunus!"

"Oh..." Blake blinked and looked away. "Well, she managed to convince them she was a cow faunus."


"Not like that, I hope."

"No. It was far worse." Blake sighed and shook her head. "Look, we didn't join the White Fang. We attended one of their recruitment drives, and that was only so we could figure out what they're up to. We're not joining them."

Weiss crossed her arms. "I'd believe that more if your partner wasn't currently plotting my demise."

"She isn't doing that!"

"I'm not?"


"No one's killing anyone," Jaune said, stepping in front of Weiss. "Let alone my partner."

"Thank you, Jaune." Weiss nodded. "It's nice to see someone willing to stand up in my defence for a change."

"Yeah!" Ruby hopped forward. "You can't hurt our team leader, Nora."

"Not even for cookies?"

Ruby paused.

Weiss raised an eyebrow.

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