Chapter 4

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So, here's another chapter, and I have some good news for people as well. My P a treon has reached the next level, which comes with some benefits and also some new horror. Basically, the update schedule has changed, and will continue to remain at this new level, so long as the target we've hit is maintained. If it goes back down, we'll go back to what it was before.

This means White Sheep will now be WEEKLY. More than that, it will also be every Wednesday... which means that you'll see the next chapter of this in just three days. More details at the bottom. In a sense, this chapter was split in two, with the second part coming this Wednesday. Then again, as a single chapter it was a bit too long anyway at like 13,000 words.

Beta: College Fool

Cover Art: Kegi Springfield

Chapter 4 - The Lost Lamb

Pyrrha had no idea what to do. Frustrated tears were whipped from her face by the wind that rushed by her and she bit down on an angry scream as the forest canopy approached. Jaune, the person she'd been determined to make her partner; the boy who had made her laugh like she never had before... he was gone. Just like that. It could have been any of them, and that knowledge hurt, but not as much as what her imagination provided as his fate.

Death was a companion that walked with every hunter, or so she had been told. She'd thought herself prepared for that risk, that eventuality, but never had she thought it might occur so soon.

Her fingers tightened around her shield as the treetops came ever closer, and her emerald eyes narrowed as she locked onto a branch that might slow her fall. She wouldn't leave it like this... she wouldn't abandon him to his fate so callously. She had seen the Nevermore rise once more from the forest, had seen it carry its prey towards the lone, great peak that sprung from the Emerald Forest like the fang of some giant beast.

She would make her way there, she would find her partner, and if anything dared to get in her way...

Well, she wouldn't be held responsible for what happened to them.

"Stay strong Jaune," she whispered, "I'm coming."

And if he had already fallen... she would avenge him. She would kill that murderous and evil monster.


Jaune sighed as he felt the Nevermore's sharp beak catch the back of his collar and drag him back once more. His back slammed into its chest, which trembled as the great creature crooned in pleasure and brought its chin down to rest against his breastplate. It warbled, and he felt the vibrations through his back.

"Okay," he said, "I love you too – and thank you for the rescue." He brought up one hand to stroke its rough head, and the deadly beak clacked once or twice in pleasure. He shimmied his way out from underneath it. "I need to get down and finish initiation, though. I'm sorry but I can't stay here."

It didn't understand him, of course. This wasn't a particularly old or intelligent Grimm, not at all like the ones back home or the Nevermore that had transported him to Vale. This one felt like it was only twenty or thirty years old; not that age equated to their growth. Either way, it didn't really get the meaning behind his words, and showered him with affection only because its instincts said to do so. That was all well and good when it meant saving him from striking the forest floor and becoming a smear, but not so useful when it plucked him up by the ankle, dangled him in front of it – and quickly squashed him beneath its stomach as it decided incubation was the best way to keep him safe and warm.

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