Cold Blood (Chapter 15.)

Start from the beginning

Maki: "I see. Apologies, Shuichi."

Shuichi: "Forgiven. Now, when will Gonta..."

Gonta walks out of his lab and gives us an innocent smile.

Shuichi: "Right on cue."

Gonta: "Gonta is happy you all could make it! Come in!"

He ushers us into his lab.

It was lushly green, with a tree growing in the middle. It looks so peaceful...

Other than the containers of bugs that line the walls.

The door shuts behind us.

Gonta: "Now, Gonta wants to show you some of the new bugs that he has obtained from Monokuma! He found a lot of rare ones!"

He starts showing us a lot of different types of bugs. Every time we think that he's done, he found another type of bug to show us.

There were cute ones, like butterflies and ladybugs, but then there were... less cute ones...

He showed us several different moths, caterpillars, and even some... mosquitoes.

Shuichi and I had to hold each other when he brought the mosquitoes out. It was a nightmare.

He eventually brought out a block of amber with a giant spider-like thing inside it.

Apparently, it was the last common ancestor between spiders and scorpions. It was sort of cool to see something like that preserved, but it was also horrifying.

Then Gonta pushes a button on the wall and the containers slide away, revealing a secret room. In the room is a massive fish tank, though it isn't used for fish, unfortunately.

We walk onto a catwalk that lets us see into the tank...

And I almost faint.

Gonta: "And there are Gonta's spiders!"

The massive tank is completely filled with spiders, all of them extremely large.

Gonta: "They're shipped from Australia. They're called Atrax! They're the most deadly spider in the world!"

I start to feel light headed. Shuichi grabs me to make sure I don't fall over.

Tsumugi wasn't so lucky.

She falls backwards, crashing into the ground and falling unconscious. Kirumi picks her up and carries her out of the room. I doubt she'll be back.

Gonta: "Gonta makes sure to take care of these spiders every day!"

He walks down and opens the tank. He reaches inside and pulls one out, showing it to us.

Shuichi sits me down to make sure I don't fall like Tsumugi.

The spider crawls all over Gonta, never biting him. It's almost as if Gonta and the spiders share a bond.

This is a nightmare...

Gonta: "They never attack Gonta, because Gonta takes good care of them! The spiders are Gonta's friends!"

Gonta leaps into the tank. I have to look away at this point because it's so terrifying.

A minute later, Gonta walks out, unscathed. The spiders on his body quickly scurry back into their tank. Gonta closes it.

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