I nodded, and said goodbye to them. Then I was free to do whatever I felt like doing.

I picked up my book from the drawer under the table, got my blanket and started reading. "Romeo & Juliet". I didn't know how many times I had read it now. It was so romantic! And they had this love that was just unbreakable. It's this tragic love story, which I loved. When I was little, my dream was to become an author and write as many and as good books as Shakespeare. I used to lay in my bed every day and read his books. I read Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, King Lear and so many more. I didn't really have that many friends, so that's what I did. I didn't care though, I loved reading. It was my hobby. Like the other kids had football and ballet, I had my books. Most of the kids in my class thought I was a weirdo, but it got better in High School. My childhood was kind of a rough time for me, so my books helped me a lot. I just kind of floated into another world, another universe. Another life. They were magical. I missed that time when I could just read whenever I wanted. Now Ms. Dalaria wouldn't even let me have books in my bedroom. But I always had one book hidden under my closet, and whenever I was feeling down, I just read in that book. It has helped me many times.

I heard footsteps in the kitchen. I turned around to see Zayn walking around doing something. How long had he been there? He didn't even care to say hi to me either. Well, that was Zayn.

"I didn't see you there, Mr. Malik", I started, trying to find out why he was home.

"Yeah, I just forgot something, that's all", he answered with a carefree tone. I nodded slowly.

Then he stopped what he was doing, and looked at me. I just sat there, not really knowing what to do. Then it started to feel kind of awkward. Finally he spoke up.

"What's the deal with you and Harry really?"

I didn't know what to say to him. Didn't quite understand what he meant anyway. "Uhm, what do you mean, Mr. Malik?"

He started walking around again, still looking for that something. "He talks about you", he started. "And the way the two of you sat last night on the porch. Is there something between the two of you?"

I blushed, and quickly turned away. He laughed. Were there? Were there something between us? I didn't even know myself. I guess it was something.

"He talks about me?", I asked carefully, not trying to seem too excited by the fact that Harry was talking about me to the other boys. He nodded, and then he left again, leaving me curious. Curious of what Harry says about me to the other boys.

When the boys came home, Sophia, Eleanour and Perrie were with them. All of them were so nice, thankfully. The last thing I needed was their girlfriends mocking me around too.
They all greeted me when they came in. It surprised me that Harry nor Niall had girlfriends. In my opinion they were the cutest in the band. It looked a bit awkward for them when Louis, Liam and Zayn had girlfriends. Like they both were the third weel. I really didn't want to sit there with them, so I went upstairs to my room where I could be alone and read.

Suddenly, I heard someone knock on my door. "Come in?", I said, not really expecting someone to knock on my door now. Or anytime for that matter.

A curly haired boy came in and smiled at me.

"Hi," Harry said.

"Uhm. Hi," I answered, confused why Harry was here. "It was kind of boring downstairs. They are so... clingy."

I laughed. I had noticed that before.

"Do you mind some company?", he asked carefully.

I shook my head. He sat down on my bed, facing me. "You've got a nice little room up here, though your job kind of sucks", he said.

"Well, yeah. I'm a bit surprised myself that Ms. Dalaria lets me sleep in this big room."

"Yeah, why wouldn't you? She treats you like a second-rate human. It's not fair to you just because she's your boss", he said furiously.

"Right?" I totally agreed with Harry, and happy that he wasn't such a douchebag as Louis and Zayn was.

Then he stared at me. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me. Then he gave me that smirk that every girl in the whole world would die from. I blushed and looked away. He put a finger to my chin and moved my head to look at him. I met his eyes. He met mine. Then he started to lean forward. I did the same. We were 2 inches a part, when Niall suddenly jumped into the room.

"I knew it! Louis! Give me those 50 bucks you promised me!" He yelled down the stairs and ran.

Harry ran down the stairs as well, and I heard him yell at them. "I was just about to finally kiss her, then you came jumping in! What is the matter with you boys?"

I smiled to myself, and hoped he would come up again so we could finish what we started.

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