Chapter 11: Learning some more!

Comenzar desde el principio

Swamy moved and took the large packet from his mother's hands and went to put it in the fridge.

And finally everyone noticed the large machine like thing.

"Oh hey, isn't that a VR game capsule? Swamy, you did not say you were playing a VR game?"

"Yes Mom! It is kind of a requirement in the course to play one of the VR games, so its kinda necessary!"

"Oh is that so. Well if it is required for your studies its ok, I guess. But I should still talk to your teacher. You don't play all night now do you? You know how dangerous it can be if you play it for long! Infact I was discussing it with your father just the day before about its adverse affects, specially on people who play for too long. And have you been keeping up with your studies?"

"Yes Mom! We had tests this past couple of weeks. I scored A+ in all subjects. You can check it if you like."

"No that's ok."

"But hey, how did you pay for it? I did not see any transactions done in your account? Did you ask your Aunt and Uncle to pay? You know you should have asked us for it!" his father asked looking at his Aunt and Uncle.

"No! we did not pay for it" was their reply.

His father and mother and aunt and uncle, all of them turned around to look at him.

"Um...actually I have got a part - time job! The job is not bad and the pay is good."

"Part-time job!! Without asking us!!" his mother looked scandalized.

"Well, you see I wanted to get some work experience you know. What with the competitive world and all. It is said that any work experience in your resume is especially considered in job interviews. They look at it positively when you have some varied life experiences, you know like volunteering, clubs, part-time jobs and stuff. Ofcourse most people start it during the end of first year but I thought of getting a head start. And the people I meet in this job become useful contacts for the future. It gives me some pocket money also which I put in a savings account. Who knows when I may need some more money, correct! It will also help in the future after I graduate."

Swamy came out with the explanation he had thought and refined for the last three days, ever since he found out about their visit.

"Oh dear! You are thinking that far ahead! I am proud of you!" his mother said.

"Yes, yes, this is the right way to go. Investing in your future, saving money and gaining skills will help you have a bright future." his father said to which everyone nodded.

"Oh that's not all." his aunt continued. "I think he is learning to play the flute like Lord Krishna (Hindu God, plays flutes). I heard him practicing!"

"Really? Swamy. I never knew you wanted to learn to play the flute! Are you getting lessons from somewhere?" his father asked.

" Just practicing by picking things up from the internet you know. They have all kinds of tutorials there!"

"Hahaha and he is getting to sound good too. I am sure he will become good at it very soon by the grace of Lord Krishna!" his Uncle commented.

'So they know. I should have known practicing here was a bad idea.'

"Well why don't you play us a us how far you have come?" his mother asked.

" am not sure its good yet. Maybe some time later when I have become a bit better!"

"Ah he's getting shy now. Well its ok, we wanna see how good you are now. I am sure you will get better if you are not, in the future. Go on then. just a small tune for your visiting parents, eh"

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