Lance shakes his head, watching the floor.

"I was just mad that he didn't show up like he was supposed to. And I may or may not have told him that he doesn't act like he cares for you." Lance mumbles

"Lance..." I reply "You shouldn't. Keith has his own way of showing that he cares. Not everyone knows that about him. He has a hard time showing that he cares since his mom left him at a young age, along with his father dying."

"I know I shouldn't. But it bugged me." Lance says

"What else did you tell him?" I ask

"That you might not be able to forgive him as easily this time." He mumbles again

"Alright. Looks like I will be going to fix two relationships that need to be in a good spot before Voltron is formed with Red again." I say "Thank you for being honest Lance. And thanks for trying to stick up for me."

"Of course Nat. You would do the same thing." He says

I smile before walking out of his room, heading towards the training room. I see Pidge and Hunk sitting in the lab, working on something, keeping it out of sight.

I knock on the lab's door, Pidge and Hunk look back at me before they both smile.

"What are you two working on?" I ask

"Oh, nothing," Pidge says

I look at her, my eyebrow raised before shrugging.

"Whatever you two. Just don't overwork yourselves." I laugh

"Never!" Hunk laughs

I smile before turning around, heading towards the training room.

I reach the training room, watching as the doors open to reveal Keith fighting with him Mamora Blade. I smile as I lean against the wall, watching him try to beat the sim.

"Just some advice, fix your form. When you fight with the blade you leave your sides open." I point out

"Look at that, the crippled one who has to relearn how to do everything is giving me advice." Keith laughs

"Hey, it keeps me busy." I laugh as I shrug

He laughs before setting his blade down, turning to look at me.

"What's up?" He asks

"So I hear that you and Lance had a little go at each other." I start

"Who told you?" He cuts me off

"Shiro brought it up with me. Thought that one of you guys would've told me by then." I reply "Now what is your side? I've already talked to Lance."

Keith sighs before looking at me.

"Lance had some pretty valid points about what I've been doing," Keith explains "I'm never around anymore. You're doing so much here without me and I'm slowly losing that best friend spot because I don't know how to show that I do care about you."

I look at him as I start to walk towards him before I stop myself.

"Keith, just because we aren't necessarily in the best spot that we could be doesn't mean that I don't know that you care." I start "I know you care, you just have a different way of showing it then the others don't."

"Lance had his points though. I leave without ever talking to you... I should've made it back for that mission." Keith rambles "I let myself grow farther away from you as you grow closer to Lance. I see the way he looks at you, it's the same kind of look that I give you."

I look at him before looking away, biting my lip.

"You almost give him the same look you give me. It's not quite there but I know he could so much better at showing he cares." Keith finishes

"So I don't get a say in this?" I ask "Keith, Lance is becoming a good friend, but he is completely awestruck by Allura. There isn't room for me and him to even become more than friends."

He looks at me before sighing, running his hand through his hair. I try to look at him with a soft smile before shaking my head.

"I'm not going to lie to you. I am hurt every time that you leave without saying goodbye. But I figured there was a reason behind it, I could be mad about it, but I'm not. I just can't believe that you would think I would go after Lance like that." I start "Lance and I are just friends and we both agreed that is how it's staying."

"See you guys had to agree to it." Keith mumbles

"Not like that you dummy," I state

I shake my head before looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry that you're being stubborn and seeing it that way. But there isn't anything that you need to worry about. Lance is in love with Allura, and I'm still not over you." I say "Now that you know this, I need to see what information Shiro has about our next move."

"You're not going on this next mission..." Keith says

"I know, but I'm helping from the castle." I retort "Shiro isn't about to let me do something that risky."

Lost Girl (Voltron Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora