Chapter 10: Burning!

Start from the beginning

'Amazing! Hehehe*evil grin I can go through walls!' Raka saw the weapons, and turned around repeating the experience of simply going through the door. He was smiling. Or atleast that's what he thought. He could not actually feel anything and he could not look at his face so he wasn't sure.

'Should I, hehehe?' having a thought, he tried going outside. He could simply walk through the doors now but he found a problem on the stairs. His feet just passed through the steps instead of climbing.

'What do I do now....WAIT a sec' Raka thought of hitting himself. How could he have been so dumb. Wasn't this the chance to learn how to control it, to willfully recall it! The other thing could wait. Without focusing on just one thing, which would cause him to lose it, he tried to look and remember everything around him. There were so many colors around but colors could form shapes of the objects. 'What if' and he walked straight back towards where he remembered he started from. He soon found his staff. He sat down next to it. Looking at the staff from the corner of his eyes, he tried to touch it. He could not. He tried moving his hands along the shape of the staff. He remembered how it was made, and imagined it as he moved his colorful hands.

An interesting thing occurred then. The colors of the staff and his hands, started to mix together. The more he remembered the staff and moved his hand, the more the colors mixed. Soon the colors were completely mixed and he could not tell where his hand ended and the staff began. 'Now what do I do' as he was thinking, he remembered Lady Verina setting fire to it. But he also remembered her warning of not trying to manipulate energy.

'Is it worth the risk! If I try to set it on fire.................................."AAAAAAHHHHHHH HOOOOOOOOOT!!!"

With a scream he woke up in his real body. The colorful world gone, the white walls back and for some reason an intense amount of heat coming from his hands. He looked. His right hand had been close to the staff when he had slept, but now there was a roaring fire. He had woken up from the intense heat from the fire. His right hand looked like it had burned causing him intense pain!

Raka quickly slid away from the fire, blowing on his hand. He quickly got out some canteens of water and poured them over his burnt hand to soothe the pain. After he calmed down, he looked closely at his hand. It was almost red but fortunately it did not seem like he had been burnt a lot. Maybe Lady Verina might be able to heal him and he stood up to go look for her. But as he turned around he saw her walking straight in with a very scary look. He knew that look. His mother made that when she was going to get really volcanic. Raka thought of running away, but there was only one exit to the hall.

"WHAT in the names of all the DEVILS were you DOING? DIDN'T I WARN YOU NOT TO PLAY WITH MAGIC?! Did I not clearly say you DO NOT DO any transformation without ME PRESENT!"

Raka felt storm winds blow, literally. Lady Verina's anger was transforming wind into gale speeds as it passed him. She looked at the him from top to bottom. Looking at his hand, she sighed and quickly waved her hands. Raka felt something reach inside him again and also something covering his hands.


You have been healed! Pain lessens.

All recovery rates are increased.


With the pain gone, Raka breathed a sigh of relief. Then looking up, he gulped again. The angry lady was still looking down on him.

"Speak!" one word with the force of storms.

" see it was actually an accident. I hadn't intended to transform. I was just trying to understand energy, um...I mean my world of colors and I suddenly thought that I would not want to set fire. And I woke up with a fire on the staff with my hand burnt anyway. I am sorry but I seriously had no idea that this would cause magic."

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