Chapter 18 -final-

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The next day I felt like shit, i was battered and Beaten, hopeless, and I just don't know what to do.

Nobody loves me.

I'm just the suicidal weird mute kid right? I'm just the faggot. The nobody. And I mean nothing to no one.
Liam obviously doesn't love me the way I live him, and I can't live with that pain and humiliation

So why shouldn't i? Why not swallow the pills? Why not hang in my room? Why not slit my wrists?

I don't know why not

So that's what I did.

I took the pills, I slit my wrists, I laid there thinking about why I'm doing this. and then his words ran through my head

"Your a faggot that no one likes, that's all you'll ever be"

And I closed my eyes

The end



So this is the end of the book! Hope you enjoyed!

No fear, there shall be a sequel, and I shall tell you as soon as it's up, so don't delete from your library just yet

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