Chapter 9: fuck it all

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I pulled into the lot labeled 'student parking' and turned off the car.

"hey liam, whats up with the sweater? it slike 90 degrees out" Luke said

i hesitated for a moment before saying

"i just like how it looks"

really liam? thats the best you could do?

"Come on Li, take it off"


"arnt you late for class?" i asked

"aw shit" he mummbled and bolted out of the car

i sighed and slowly got out of the car. i started heading twords the building, when i got closer i realized something, my next class is P.E. which means shirts with no sleeves.

god im such an idiot.

oh well, to class!

haha no

to my locker!

i got to my locker and entered the code 9-1-3-1-9-9-3 (a/n comment if you know what that is!!! ill dedicate the next chapter to whoever gets it right!)

i grabbed my kit and walked down the hall way, i turned left and into the locker rooms. there were only 3 people left changeing so i changed int my shorts, the after the three left, i put on a longsleeved white shirt and then placed my cutoff over it, itll have to do. i walked out and shot a glare at anyone who even looked my way. i spotted a fimilar face and walked over to the boy. he smiled brightly and i gave a forced half smile.

'hey li!' Niall signed happily

"hi Niall" i said

he looked at me confused

'whats wrong?'\

"Nothing, dont worry bout it babe, im just tired"

'well maybe if you didnt stay up all night that wouldnt be a problem' he signed back with a smirk

"yeah probally" i smiled a little

he grinned and hugged me. i hugged him back, being careful of my throbbing arms.

"alright laddies! run four laps and then you can go!" the p.e. teacher yelled. you knoe shes so fat that she should be the one running. i mean its not fair making us do this shit when your the one who needs it.

instead of saying anything i just ran. fvck it all.


i dunno how long this is. i wrote it on my phone so i have no idea!







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