Chapter 7;The fair. Pt 2

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Haha, hiiiiiii, remember me? probably not. sorry, don't really have a reason that I didn't update, I just didnt. soooo sorry? yeah.



Liam's POV

I grabbed my keys off the counter and walked out the door. I hopped into my black range rover and started it up, the engine roaring to life. I smiled a bit, I really like this car. I drove down the Street and made a turn to the left, then right, then left, then left again, then right. and pulled up I front of Niall's house. it's a smaller house that is white with a black flat top roof, just a small house. I texted Niall

To: NI;)

I'm right outside😜

A few seconds later I got a reply

From: NI;)

Okay, be right out😋

a few seconds later Niall walked out of the old grey door, and walked to my car, getting onto the passenger seat

He looked amazing, his blond hair ruffled under a Green SnapBack, a white t shirt whit a green button up over, only the top two unbuttoned, black skinny jeans, and black hightop converse. cute.

He smiled and I smiled back

"heyyy" I said

'Hiya' he signed

"What's up?" I asked, I do t really know what to saaayyyyy

'Nothin, you?'

"Not much, but louis destroyed my room" I whined

He laughed a bit

'That's not good'

"Yeah, especially since I'm the one who has to clean it" he laughed a bit as I pulled up to the fair

I got out of the car and ran around to his side, opening the door, he nodded his head in thanks and his cheeks tinted into a pink color. I grinned a bit and took is hand, pulling him over I the Counter

"30 tickets please" I asked the lady

" That will be 25 pounds" the lady said

I took out my wallet and quickly paid, retrieving the tickets off the counter and walked out of the line of queuing people. (queuing means waiting in the u.k. Sorry if any of u Americans didn't know that)

"What shall we do first?" I asked

'the tea cups!!' He signed excitably jumping up and down pulling me towards the spinning cups. I laughed a bit at his childish behavior, but Never the less, took his over to the tea cups.

I handed 5 tickets to the lady and walked into the ride with Niall by my side. I grabbed his hand and smiled

"Pick a cup" I said

He pointed to a green cup with blue striped and ran over to it. I silently chuckled and walked over to it, sitting next to him. he bounced in his seat and had the biggest smile ever, it was adorable. I pulled the bar that was above us Down so it covered us and the ride started to move. Niall grabbed onto the circle thing in the middle and started to turn it. I laughed as he silently chuckled. I grabbed the thing and started to turn it as well, a few minutes later I was very dizzy and the ride was over. Niall just got up and grabbed my hand, pulling met words a random ride.


It went on like that for another 3 hours of Niall pulling me to random rides. we had 6 tickets left so we decided to start playing the games. We played all the games that they had, we only won like two of them but it was fun anyways, for the next ten minutes we walked around trying all of the different fair food that Niall has surprisingly never tried.


We spent the next hour just walking around and talking. it was nice to get some time to just chat, after a while I realized that we've been here all day and that the fair was closing soon, we decided to go. I offered for him to come over and watch some movies or something, but he refused, saying that he needed to get home. We got into my car and drove in a silence, it wasn't awkward, it was nice. when I pulled up to his house he turned to look at me.

'Thanks for everything li' he signed

"Not a problem" I smiled

He leaned over and hugged me, kissing my check as he did so. after a minute or two, he let go and started getting out

"See you tomorrow" I said quietly

He turned back and smiled shyly before walking up to his door and knocking, before being pulled inside. I shrugged and started to drive off to my own house, which was much bigger than Ni's, seeing as my family is Rich and I live alone. I got out of my car and started walking up to the door. when I walked in the first thing I saw was louis on my couch watching 'teen wolf'. when he saw me he jumped up and asked

"How was it?"



Don't hate me for being late and then having a sucky chapter, I'm trying here!




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