To my surprise, Noah is already seated at one of the computers when I get inside and, with a friendly smile, he waves me over.

"How was your weekend?" He asks.

I drop my bag onto the floor and drape my/Mason's black denim jacket across the back of the chair.

"Pretty good," I nod, "you?"

"Oh it was great, got plenty of practice in before the big game next week."

I never really went to the games. I used to go a lot when Mason played and he taught me a lot of tricks back when he used to practice in our garden, but when he started college he played less and I guess I didn't have a reason to go to the games anymore.

"Oh right, are you looking forward to it?" I ask.

He beams, "of course. You're coming right?"

I falter.

"You have to come. Friends support friends right?"

We were friends?

"I know Dwaine and Blake won't leave you with any other choice anyway."


"Yeah, I guess I'll be there." I smile easily.

Noah reaches down into his backpack and pulls out a packet of chips, Reese's pieces and two sodas.

"I bought snacks."

I laugh a little, "you're very prepared aren't you?"

"Well we got a lot of work to do right? We need the brain power."

I nod as I take another sip of my smoothie.

"Hey, you drink that every morning, why?" He asks with a frown.

At this point, the rest of our classmates have started to filter into the room and are chatting away at their computers around us but Mr.Rogers is yet to arrive.

"Oh it's mango and passion fruit," I tell him, "it's my favourite. The best breakfast, really."

He eyes the cup in my hand for a moment longer then turns away to start searching for some relevant information. I lean across a little to peer at the screen.

"Stop!" I squeak.

He stops scrolling and looks at me in panic, "What? What's wrong?"

"THERE!" I shake my finger at the screen and bounce up and down a little.

"Oh," he breathes a sigh, "you scared me then, I thought something happened."

I shake my head dismissively and continue looking at the monitor.

"Alchemy originated in ancient Egypt. Egyptians believe in life after death and the mummification procedures they developed and used probably gave rise to rudimentary chemical knowledge..."

I watch as Noah's brows raise as he reads the piece of text out to us and I hum in thought.

"I wonder if the findings and alchemy texts were passed along the silk route..." I mumble aloud.

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