07 | Bloom

448 23 19

A/N: Well, this is it. The last chapter is finally here! This was my first fanfic so I'd really love to just thank everyone who read it, I know that it wasn't perfect and of course, it has its flaws, but I'm very happy with how it turned out. Thank you all for reading! :)

As Fuyuhiko pounded his small fist on the door, Peko stood off to the side with her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes trained on the floor.

"Please don't make me do this," Peko said quietly, "I still have time to figure things out. There's no reason to rush-"

"Yeah, well, I'm not waiting around until you're on your fuckin' deathbed, okay? Just go in there, tell the girl you like her, and then we're done with all of this crap."

Peko was silent as Fuyuhiko began to knock on the door again. She didn't voice her worries on what would happen if Misa did not return her feelings. Peko had done some research after speaking with Mikan and it seemed that if the one a victim loved did not love them back, the overgrowth phase would be triggered and the victim would die almost instantaneously. She had a feeling though that that information probably wouldn't help Fuyuhiko's mood very much.

"Look, I know that you're in there Namura," Fuyuhiko shouted, "I have to talk to you. It's important. Just open the damn door!"

Fuyuhiko let out a loud sigh.

"Please." he added so quietly that Peko nearly didn't hear him. After a few more moments of silence, Fuyuhiko had had enough.

"Okay, that's it! If you don't open this god damn door in five seconds I'm going to break it down! One!"

Peko didn't flinch as Fuyuhiko yelled.

"Two! Three!"

The doorknob stayed perfectly still.


Peko glanced wearily at Fuyuhiko as his face burned crimson.


The silence that filled the hallway was painfully thick and for a second neither of the teens dared to move.

"Peko, kick down the door." Fuyuhiko whispered. Peko looked down at him in confusion.

"Didn't you say that you were going to break down the door?" she asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah, well!" Fuyuhiko gestured angrily at his small frame with a slight blush of embarrassment.

Peko had to admit that she wasn't too keen on the idea of breaking down Misa's door, but she didn't seem to have much of a choice. When the door flew open, Peko was the first to step inside and after seeing the state of the room, she wished she hadn't been.

"What the fuck?" Fuyuhiko said from behind her.

The dorm looked like someone had been murdered in it. Nearly everything was covered in pink blood and dead flowers. Peko knelt down on the floor and picked up a bloody red rose with shaking fingers. She was so focused on the flower, that she didn't notice the slept in bed and the trail of blood that led from it to the bathroom.

"Peko," Fuyuhiko said as he crouched down beside her to get her attention. When she looked at him he pointed over at the bathroom door that was wide open.

Peko walked slowly. For the first time in years, she was experiencing true, powerful fear. Fear at what she would find in that bloody bathroom. She could feel her stomach doing somersaults. Her body seemed to shake more and more with every step. Breathing became even more difficult than her illness usually made it. If not for Fuyuhiko standing behind her, she probably wouldn't have gone in.

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