Part 21

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Emma: Why is he posting pictures with her?

Myta Herron: Wait what?

Anna Seavey: She makes him takes pictures with her.

Emma: Thats so cold!

Anna Seavey: I know! I don't like her.

Myta Herron: I used to go to school with her father.

Emma: How was that?

Myta Herron: It was ok, he left around senior year to do music.

Emma: Oh great! I beat she can sing.

Anna Seavey: Yeah, she has like 3 songs out.

Myta Herron: Let's not talk about it! Let's go surf!

Emma: Alright lets go surf.

(40 minutes pass)

Anna Seavey: Those waves were amazing!

Emma: We should do this more often.

Myta Herron: For sure!

(Myta's phone rings)

Myta Herron: It's Ryan, I'll be back.

(Myta walks off)

Emma: Would he ever leave me for her?

Anna Seavey: Never! He always talks about you.

Emma: Even when we weren't dating?

Anna Seavey: Yes, all the time!

Emma: I really love him.

Anna Seavey: He loves you Emma trust me.

(Myta comes back)

Emma: Everything ok?

Myta Herron: Ryan needs to get picked up from school.

Anna Seavey: It's 10:30 A.M. school's not over.

Myta Herron: He docent feel good, I think he has a stomach bug.

Emma: Yeah, he shouldn't be at school.

Myta Herron: So I'll see you girls later?

Anna Seavey: Yes of course

(Myta walks off)

Anna Seavey: You wanna go tan now?

Emma: Sure!

(They lay there towels down on the sand)

Anna Seavey: I'll play music.

Random Fan: Sorry to bother you but I was wonder if I can get a pic with the you and Anna?

Emma: No, it's ok.

(They get up and take pictures with the fans)

Random Fan: We love you!

Anna & Emma: Love you to!

Anna Seavey: They are so cute!

Emma: I know! Let's finishing tanning.

Anna Seavey: Alright!

(They both lay back down and Tan) (30 minutes pass)

Emma: So I am going to head home now.

Anna Seavey: Ok, I am going to get some food.

Emma: Alright, thanks for hanging with me Anna.

Anna Seavey: Anytime! See you later?

Emma: Of course!

( They both hug and Emma walks to the Apartment)

Zach: Hey babe!

Emma: Oh hey! Thought you were in a meeting?

Zach: I was but I left.

Emma: Why? Is it because of Kay?

Zach: How do you know about Kay?

Emma: You posted a pic with her Zach.

Zach: I didn't post that, she took my phone and posted it.

Emma: Yeah whatever.

Zach: Are you mad at me Emma?

Emma: Yes! I'm mad!

Zach: Is it about Kay? Nothing is happening between kay and I. (Grabs her hands)

Emma: Promise? Zach I've been waiting for forever for us.

Zach: Trust me nothing is happening between Kay and I.

Emma: I love you Bubba.

Zach: I love you more Emmy

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