Part 11

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Daniel: Daniel Seavey.

Jeff: From Why Don't we?

Daniel: Yeah, You a fan?

Jeff: My sister is and wanted to know if I can get her a video?

Daniel: What's her name?

Jeff: Cassie Johnson

Daniel: Alright, you ready?

Daniel: "He Cassie Johnson I love you so much and I hope I see you at the L.A. show next week. Have a great night."

Jeff: Thank you so much! She is going to cry.

Daniel: No problem! (Starts laughing)

Emma: When will are food be ready?

Jeff: In a few minutes.

(They walk to a table to sit)

Daniel: When are you going to tell Zach?

Emma: Never! (Looks at him sad and scared)

Daniel: Why?

Emma: He is with Emily and I don't want her to hate me Daniel.

Daniel: I understand that but we can't always act like a couple and you can tell that he is jealous.

Emma: I know I am scared Daniel.

Daniel: I know but you have to tell him one day. (Grabs her hand)

(Inter com goes off)

Jeff on Inter com: Order for Daniel Seavey!

Daniel: I'll be right back.

(Daniel Walks off to go get the food)

Emma: (To herself) I hate myself.

(The door opens and she realizes who it is)

Emma: Zach!

Zach: Hey Emma! What are you doing here?

Emma: Daniel and I got hungry on the way to my house. Why is your face all red and puffy?

Zach: Emily and I broke up.

Emma: Oh wow, why?

Zach: I told her that I was in love with someone else.

Emma: Who?

(Daniel walks up)

Daniel: What's up Zach!

Zach: Whats up man!

Daniel: You got hungry?

Zach: Yeah I did, I am going to go order my phone. I'll see you later.

Daniel: Of course!

(Daniel and Emma walk back to their table)

Daniel: This is your chance, go talk to him.

Emma: I don't know Daniel, He just broke up with Emily.

Daniel: Yeah, Maybe he did that because he wants you.

Emma: Really?

Daniel: What did he say when you asked him " Why they broke up?"

Emma: That he was in love with someone.

Daniel: That someone else is you Emma!

Emma: Really?

Daniel: Yes really!

Emma: Save my food, I'll be back.

Daniel: Take it and eat with him Emma.

Emma: You sure Daniel?

Daniel: Yes, Go!

Emma: Ok, Thank you Daniel.

Daniel: No problem!

(Emma Picks up her food and walks to Zach's table)

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