Part 24

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Myta Herron: I'll pay for Ryan and Reese.

Zach: No mom, I will pay.

Ryan: Herron: Thanks Zach.

Reese Herron: Thank you Zach!

(They pay and put the socks on)

Emma: So nice to get out and be at the Trampolin park with your family.

Zach: Yeah it does, like old times.

Reese: Less talking more jumping Emma.

(They start jumping and Emma see's someone)

Emma: Zach!

(Zach jumps near her)

Zach: Whats wrong?

Emma: How did she know we were here?

Zach: Who babe?

Emma: Kay!

(Ryan jumps to there side)

Ryan: I posted on my instagram story.

Zach: Did she see it?

Ryan: Let me check.

(Ryan checks his phone)

Ryan: No but Laney saw it.

Emma: Who is Laney?

Zach: Laney cook is Kay's sister.

Emma: Great another cook!

Ryan: But Laney is nicer.

(Laney jumps towards them)

Laney Cook: Herron's what are you guys doing here?

Ryan: Did you know we were here Laney?

Laney Cook: Kay said she wanted to go to the trampoline park for some reason.

Zach: Did you see Ryans story?

Laney Cook: No, Kay broke her phone so she been using mine.

Ryan: So kay saw it?

(Kay pops up)

Kay Cook: Oh, how funny seeing you guys hear.

Emma: Shut up kay! You new we were here!

Kay Cook: I didn't know! I just wanted to take my sister out.

Zach: Whatever.

(Zach gets a text)

Zach: Gabbie just gave birth to lavender! Ava said meet back at Jack's apartment.

Myta Herron: Really? Then let's get going.

Ryan Herron: Kay don't follow us!

Kay Cook: Trust me I won't! (Rolls her eyes)

(They grab there shoes and drive to Jack's Apartment) (They get to the apartment)

Ava Standford: Herron's and Emma up here!

Myta Herron: Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?

Ava Standford: I was there all night, come back to clean up before the baby gets here.

Reese Herron: What time will they be here?

Ava Standford: He called me 5 minutes ago saying that they should be here soon.

Emma: I never new she was pregnant.

Myta Herron: We kept it between the five families.

Emma: Well she is my cousin Myta.

Ava Standford: So you are related to Gabbie?

Emma: Yeah! Her dad is my Dads brother.

Myta Herron: How is your dad?

Emma: Still a jerk, I still love him. (little tear drops and she wipes it)

(Isla walks in)

Isla Standard: They are here!

(Jack and Gabbie walk in with the baby)

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