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I woke up scared hearing that someone is banging the door. I look around and Rain wasn't there.

"Answer the door, Sixx."

I groan getting up, not even bothering if I'm naked or not. I see a cup of Jack and grabbed it. He continued to bang the fucking door.

"All right!" I shout.

"Fuck you, Sixx. Answer the door!" I open the door and saw Doc standing there with a grossed out look. "Clean yourself up. You've got a visitor." I shut the door back up and drank what was left.

I got dressed and saw Rains note.

'Be right back. Breakfast.' And a small heart.

I couldn't help but smile and nod. I didn't remember much last night, but the only thing I remember is that I didn't have sex with any of those chicks at the strip club.

So I said to the dudes I was done for the night and ran to our room, hoping we would have sex. And we did.

I walk out of our room still smiling with a bottle of Jack in my hands.

"Why are you so smiley?" Doc asks holding the elevator open.

"Let's just say I have my girl." Doc frowns at me and looked at my neck.

"I can see that." I smirk remembering her moans. And damn I made her moan so good. I feel my dick getting hard just remembering last night.

Seeing her naked body under mine? Fuck yeah.

We walk out of the elevator and Doc smiles.

"Your mother called and asked to come to a show." I stop my tracks. "So, I thought with it being the holidays and all..." I look at her and she had a huge smile.




I was running down the street grinning. I walk inside the hotel and saw Nikki standing there with a woman smiling at him. His expression is different, it's like he's in shock or in some trance.

"Merry Christmas, Frank." Is his mother. Oh my god. I thought she was still in jail. She hugs him.

"That's not my name." I walk up to them slowly, he stumbles backwards making me jog a little.

"My baby." She sighs. Doc sees me and smiles widely.

"Oh look, Rain is here." Both of them looks at me still hugging, well, she was hugging him. And Nikki didn't know what to do.

"You must be his girlfriend, I saw the magazine where both of you were hugging and holding hands." She says smiling.

"I'm not his girlfriend." His head shot towards me and I look around scared what might happen.

"Oh that song. The one about looks that kill." She notice my uncomfortableness and smiled at him. "It's about me, isn't it, Frankie?" He looks at her in horror and took a step back. "Frankie?"

"That's not my fucking name!" He shouts and threw his bottle of Jack on the floor. He grabs my arm roughly walking away.

"Nikki. Wait up a minute, will ya?" I hear Doc's footsteps behind us, I never saw Nikki this way.

Everyone gave us a look and I swear to god I needed to hide. My cheeks are burning up and my heart is beating really fast. Nikki's so pissed off.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He asks shoving me behind him. "First bring that ex-fucker of Rain's and now this?"

"I thought it would help." I intertwined our hands and he gave me a hard squeeze.

"I fucking trusted you. I fucking gave you another chance after that day, but you are not my fucking father and you are not my fucking friend. Your are just another leech with your hands in my pockets who wouldn't be standing there right now unless you were getting something out it, so just fuck off, Doc."

"Nikki, stop." I whimper. He grips my wrist dragging me away with him.

"You're fucking fired!" He shouts, I look at Doc scared and sad for him. "Fucking prick." He mumbles while letting me go. "Get in the fucking car!" I stumble backwards when he shouted while getting inside his car.

I got in not wanting to, but I did.


We parked in a nowhere, I look around and there was only grass. Nikki is still holding the wheel, he tightens his grip making his knuckles white.

"You didn't have to fire him." I whisper, but I knew he heard it clearly.

"Fuck you. Look what he has done to you! He brought that fucker back to your life and now you're defending him? Fuck. You!" He points at my face, I feel my eyes getting watery.

"I know what he did and I still don't forgive him for it, but the others won't like what you just did. So fuck you too, asshole." I said getting out of the car and slamming the door shut.

I started to walk away not even caring where I'm at. I hear the door slamming again and some footsteps, he turns me around by gripping his hand on my wrist.

"Where the hell are you going?" I glare at him.

"Home!" I shove him away and he scoff. I hear the gear of his car and kept walking.

"Get inside." I ignore him, "Get inside or I'll leave you." I kept in silence daring him to do so. "Fine." And with that he left me.

I stop my tracks in shock for what just happened. Well, I did it on myself so why am I going to blame him for what he did? I ignored him and my stupid pride consumed me. Fucking idiot.

I started to cry sitting down at the middle of nowhere. I hug my legs and hid my face between them. I hear a car coming and I didn't even dare to look up.

It stopped and someone sat besides me.

"I'm sorry." I hear Nikki's voice and my head shot up. "It's..." I threw my arms around his neck and cried even more.

"I'm not the one supposed to be crying, you are. I'm a fucking idiot." I started to sob and he hugs me. "My stupid pride won over me and I hate that in me. I'm sorry for what just happened."

One of his fingers lift my chin up, so that we were face to face.

"Don't be sorry." He said bruising his lips onto mine. "In a few weeks it's Tommy's and Heathers wedding. Would you like to be my date?" I try to smile, but I fail.

"I would love to be your date." He kisses me and my left hand laid on his chest, I sigh. "Can we go home?" I ask breaking the kiss. I touched his lips, they're so soft...

"Yeah." He picks me up making me giggle.

I hope he doesn't get shit faced when we get there.


Aww, they're cute.
Online classes aren't for me dude
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RockstarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora