Chapter 4 - Still. NOT. Bitten.

Start from the beginning

Clementine: I didn't do it, Y/N did.

Carlos: His suturing skills need work then.

Luke: So it wasn't a lurker bite?

Carlos: If it was the fever would've set in and her temperature would be through the roof.

Nick shakes his head and walks out of the room. Luke follows him out. Carlos walks to sink and washes his hands.

Carlos: I wish you two didn't do what you did.

Y/N: She was hurt and you weren't helping.

Carlos: Because we considered you a threat, you still might be. Rebecca was worried you might be working with someone else. That you both being here was no accident. I guess we'll find out, but you are not to be trusted.

He walks out of the room as Luke walks in.

Luke: I got y'all some food if you're hungry.

We both smile at him as he sets the bowls in front of us. It was oatmeal.

Luke: That's gonna leave one hell of a scar.

Clementine: Better than losing it.

Luke: True. Scars are cooler than stumps.

I closed my eyes and looked down. Remembering what happened to Lee's arm.

Luke: What's wrong, Y/N?

Y/N: Huh? Oh, uh, nothing. Just remembered someone who lost their arm.

Nick enters the room and walks over to us.

Nick: Hey, look. I'm sorry I almost shot you there. I was being a dick and that wasn't cool.

Luke: Nick's been known to go off every once and a while. Don't hold it against him.

Clementine: It's okay, you were just defending your friends.

Y/N: Yeah, bygones.

Nick: I didn't mean to be so harsh. I just... we had a bad experience once.

Y/N: Who hasn't?

Luke: Nick lost his mom. We tried to take care of someone who was bit.

Nick: Which was my fault--

Luke: It was no one's fault. We thought we could handled it, but it went bad.

Nick: Anyway, I hope you understand.

Clementine: Yeah, I get it.

I nod in agreement. Nick smiles as he left room. We ate in silence before Luke broke it.

Luke: So, since you're pretty much on your own, what y'all's  plan?

Clementine: We'll probably move on.

Y/N: Yeah, look for Christa.

Luke: Well, you're welcomed to stay here.

Y/N: What about everyone else?

He smirks.

Luke: They'll just have to deal with it. So... what happened to y'all's parents?

Clementine: What happened to pretty much everyone else's.

I sadly nod in agreement.

Y/N: But this man took care of us, his name was Lee.

Luke: Are you two siblings? And, uh, what happened to him.

Clementine: No, we're just really close. We've known each other practically since the start.

Y/N: Yeah, and Lee, uh, got bit. We cut his arm off, but it was too late...

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