Authoress' Show...I Think

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Warning: Forgive my bad words, Almighty God.

In an office-like room, a teenager sat behind an expensive-looking desk, sitting in a professional way. Her legs crossed over the other, her hands linked on her lap, her back straight and her aura emitted a demand of respect...or you'll face hell. She was wearing a business attire; her black hair that reached below her mid-back was let down, it was straight a few minutes ago then it became curly. She wore light make up (powder and lipstick) because washing it off is troublesome.

On her desk was a neat stack of paper that is going to be read for the people reading this today. Clearing her throat, she started with a smile.

"Hello, my dear, wonderful and fabulous readers! This is Kayla Heartfilia, live, at my office!" She waved at the camera in front of her. "Yes, yes, I know. You are waiting for the next chapter for this book. I'm sorry I was not able to update a chapter during Christmas because....problems-" Her expression darkened. "-that should just go down the deepest pits of the earth!- has occurred." Then smiled sweetly again. She picked a paper from the stack and read,

"My main...problems which are the Novel, and our School Jingle. So far...THESE TWO ARE FR**KING ME OUT!!"She fake cough, losing her composure a bit. "Why? Because whenever I continue the novel, my hands and eyes always stray to the google button (I'm typing my novel in MS), and then thoughts of fanfictions and wattpad floated in my mind. why I'm always side-tracked. It's distracting me!" She laughed cheerfully, but then changed into a frustrated look.

"AND MY HANDS WON'T LISTEN TO ME!!" She screamed, scoffing a bit.

"And the Jingle....I am now tempted to bang my head on the wall until it bleeds...or until I lost almost all my brain cells." She deadpanned- her face, emotion and aura, blank.

Then she nodded her head sympathetically. "I know you probably hate author's note (Believe me, me too), but it can't be helped. Also, I have been thinking about this book  for a while. I realized that its...out of balance or whatever! Each chapter is either long or short. The first few chapters are until it went longer and longer. So, let me ask." She leaned forward, her chin on her linked hands.

"Should I just continue making it longer? Or shorter? Also, there is that problem of where I'm too focused on Karin and Mikan. WE ARE ALMOST ON THE 26th AND THE NEXT QUEEN IS WAITING FOR HER ARRIVAL!!"


"WHAT THE H*LL ARE YOU SCREAMING FOR?!" A guy with crimson eyes shouted, glaring at the teenager behind her desk. But the latter was not affected, only raising her eyebrow.

"Oh, Natsume, nice for you to visit. Though, it  could be better if YOU DIDN'T DESTROY MY DOOR!" She gave him her Level 5 death glare but Natsume was not fazed. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Mikan wanted to visit you...and Karin and Kazune." He responded, crossing his arms. 

"And whe-"

"KAYLA!" A blur of orange and yellow cut the raven off as they jumped on her. Kayla didn't have time to dodge so she ended up on the floor with the two girls above her.

Kazune entered and nodded at Kazune before turning to the girls behind the desk. "Karin and Mikan, get up.


"Get off me!" And with one burst of her power, the girls were off. Kayla straightened her clothes and sat on her chair again. She gave each guest a scrutinizing gaze. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Mikan grinned. "We thought we could visit since you haven't updated for, oh, I don't know- FOR A LONG TIME!"

She winced. "Oh, yeah about that." She held out the paper in her hand. "Read this, so I won't have to repeat myself." Karin took it and all four read the contents, their eyes visibly widening at the paper. "Now you know."

"B-B-But still! You should have updated more! The readers are waiting for the next chapter so we can finally move on to the next queen!" Karin turned to the camera, that was still there, and said, "Isn't that right, everyone?!"


"If you are hoping for a response, you won't be getting it." Kayla spoke up.

Karin's hand twitched and turned away from the device. "Annyyyway! We also came by because we're bored!" She strode to the right side of the room and sat on a couch. "Give us entertainment!"

Kayla rubbed her temples. "First of all, I am not a clown. Second, why don't you go out on a date or something?"



Groans answered her, which did not came from the  girls. Kayla threw a look at the guys and raised her eyebrow.

"It was hell!"

"My body's sore!"

"Whatever." Karin and Mikan deadpanned.

The ravenrolled her eyes before turning to the camera. "Well, I need to finish my problem first so... See you next time! KaylaHeartfilia, over and out!"







"That's it?"

"Shut up."

Gakuen Alice Crossover; Queens of the UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now