Solo's Return.

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I pull up on the steering and look out of the ship window

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I pull up on the steering and look out of the ship window. "They are closing in on me!" I yell into the headset. "Karva! Don't do it. Listen to me." Poe yells back into the headset. "I can do it." I speaks and I press the buttons to shoot the guns but instead I am jerked and a shot comes at me from behind. The ship jerks and I makes a face as my head hits the seat. I pull the helmet off of the simulation and stand, huffing. Poe quickly gets out of the simulation and looks at me. "Damn it Karva. If that was real you could've risked the whole crew!"

I furrow my brows and watch him. "I'm rusty okay. I'm sorry." I hold my hands up and he shakes his head. "I'm sorry I got mad. You just know you can't be doing that if this was a real scenario." He sighs and then places his arm around my shoulders. "Cmon. Drinks for everyone." Poe nods and we step to the cantina. "Do you know when they'll be back?" He asks and I shrugs my shoulders, looking up to him. "No clue." I speak and purse my lips.

I take a seat and they pour a clear liquid into small glasses. "I'm not suppose to." I say quietly and look at Poe. He smiles and watches me. "They won't know." I look at everyone and then toss it back. I make a face and scrunch my nose. "Oh my." I clear my throat. Poe lets out a soft chuckle and looks to me. "What is it?" I speak and he shakes his head. "Nothing, why do you wait for him?" He asks me and I furrow my brows as he pours me another glass. "Who says I'm waiting for him?" I shrug and he makes a face towards me.

"Oh cmon. I see the way you looked at him." I quickly toss back the second and purse my lips. "You're not just saying this because you and I kissed?" I ask and he laughs. "No no. I mean. It was a small kiss." I gasp and shake my head. "And that's my cue to go." I pat his shoulder and stand. I hold my belt and fix it as well as my jacket. I take steps out of the cantina and let out a breath as I feel my eyes water up and I quickly wipe them. I step towards my small home, opening the wooden door. I step in and pull off the jacket, as well as my belt.

I undo the braids through my hair and run my fingers through them. I sit down onto the bed and then look around the empty room. I lean back and huff. The emotions I'm feeling could be from the alcohol so I dismiss them. I close my eyes and drift off. I wake up to quick knocking. I sit up and force pull my hilt into my hand, noticing it's now dark outside.

I hear the knocking again and I ignite it. "Karva it's me. You have to come quick!" It's Finn. I turn it off and then open the door. "What is it?" I tilt my head to the side and he looks to me. "They are back." He says and I gasp, turning to gather my things. I start sprinting with Finn and pull my coat on as I run. It's been a month and a half. I quickly push my hair back not realizing what my hair looks like. I stand and wait patiently as the ship lands and others are waiting.

They take a moment to get off but when they do they look tired. I watch as Ben is the last to come off. His hair longer to his shoulders but his facial hair neatly groomed. I look to him and let out a slight breath. He looks around and finds me. I nod once and then place my hands in front of me. Rey looks to me and steps to me, hugging me. I stumble back slightly but hug her back. "How was the trip?" I ask and look to her. "It was eventful.. How have the younglings been?" I nod and laugh softly. "They have been great. They have moved up finally. So I am going to see them again starting next week." I look back to Ben and then start walking beside her.

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