Chapter 13

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*if any of you are confused, it's the day before trial*
Makayla's POV
After a couple hours I woke up to the sound of chirping. I checked my phone. It read 9:00. Dang I didn't much sleep. I sat up and checked my phone. 600 text messages from the guy? In the last day. Geez. I just get sick to my stomach each time I think about the trial. I've thrown up once already. I took a deep breath. I laid there looking at the scenery around me. I ate some chips, drank some water. I put everything back in the bag and put it by a special tree. I decided I should get out of the woods before I get eaten by bugs. I got up and took in one last deep breathe and sighed. "I wish I could stay here all the time." Then I began walking. I looked around and took pictures of trees and nature. I was so pretty I couldn't resist. After about an hour of wandering, I finally found my way out. I walked around the town for hours. I sighed and decided to walk home. When I walked up to the door I sighed and knocked on it. Gilinsky came up to the door with puffy red eyes and looked at me then fainted. "What's going-" Taylor got cut off. "oh my gosh!" Jack J. Said. "It's her!" Aaron said. "Oh my gosh, it's really her. Wait is it really you?" Matt asked. They all started tearing up. "What's wrong with you guys.?" I asked really confused. "Tf you mean what's wrong?" Jack J asked. "You ran out and we searched all night and all morning. We called the police. They never found you. The. Worst of all..." Taylor stopped talking. "What? What's going on you guys?" I asked wondering why they were crying still. "They told us you died, they found a girl with no face or fingers but they matched your profile." Matt said. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry you guys, I couldn't handle it, I'm sorry Aaron, I lied to you, I wasn't okay. I needed to get away from here. Cody will kill me or get someone who can. But I'm doing this trial tomorrow I don't care, I didn't throw up and get nauseous just to see him come back." I said. "Are you sure you can handle it babe?" Jack J asked. "Uh maybe." He nodded. "Well uh, we need to get Jack up..." I said. We all picked him up and put him on the couch. I got some water and an ice pack. I put the ice pack on his head and sprinkled the water on his face. I kissed him on the cheek and a few seconds later he opened his eyes. He had a panic attack, "Matt TAYLOR JACK AARON HELP." He screamed. I got scared. "G calm down." Matt said grabbing him. I got up and walked into the kitchen and sat on a chair. "Where you going girlie?" Jack j said coming up and giving me a hug. "Is he okay?" I asked nervously. "Yeah he's just so torn up about you being "dead" he thinks he is seeing you as a ghost." We let go of each other and he looked into my eyes. "I'm so glad you okay." "Jack I'm fine." I said hugging him. "Where did you go anyways?" He asked. "Oh uh, a place I found." I said. "You found it when you ran away?" He asked. "No I found it when I was little." "How?" "I'd rather not say." I said. "Okay but we will talk about this one day Kay. Okay?" "Maybe." I said giving him a half smile. He embraced me with another hug. "Are YOU okay? We haven't even asked you how you are or anything?" He asked I just cried into his chest. Then I felt another pair of arms wrap around me then two more pairs. Jack was awake and everyone was hugging me. We all let go and I wiped my eyes. "Jack are you okay?" I asked really concerned. "What?" He asked. "You heard me." I said confused. "But you're dead!" "Umm no im not." I said. "Well why did the police say you were? Why couldn't we find you?" He started crying. I sat on his lap and looked into his eyes I grabbed his hand and put it on my chest. "See I have a heart beat goofball." I giggled. He squeezed me really tight and I just combed his hair with my fingers. "I missed you so much, I went crazy without you." He said I smiled and remembers what he did to me back at the skate shop. I got up and walked away. "Where are you going?" They asked very stern. "Nowhere" I said rolling my eyes and walking out my back door to sit around the pool. I sat there thinking about the trial tomorrow. I'm gonna do it. Then I thought about Jack, pushing my mind away from Cody until tomorrow. He hurt me, he kissed another girl. I should've known Jack could never ever like some girl like me. I sat there dangling my feet for a while until I heard someone put there feet im the water and felt a presence next to me. I looked over, it was Jack Johnson. "Heyy kiddo." He smiled. "Hi." I said gloomily. "What's up buttercup." He said giggling at his rhyme. "Uuh nothing." I said tucking my arms in, I realized I wasn't protecting my cuts from being visible. "You're lying." He said like Matt did in a YouTube video. I giggled at his silliness. "It's Jack, I remembered the skate shop and I had to get away from him." I said. "Kayla..." "What?" I said sassily. "Maybe it was a mistake, people make mistakes you know." He said. "He led me on Jack, I knew someone like him would never like someone like me, I was in over my head." "Come on kiddo, you're amazing, you're smart, funny, gorgeous and the nicest person I have ever met, and you know I've met a lot of people." He giggle giving me a hug. I kissed his cheek, hugged him back and put my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back and I started drifting to sleep.
Gilinksy POV
I passed out when I saw MaKayla at the door, I thought I was seeing things. When I woke up I was on the couch and MaKayla was in the kitchen talking to other Jack in the kitchen. After a few minutes they hugged and the rest of us got up and joined in. We all walked back to the couch and talked to Makayla. I started crying when I talked to her. I told her I went crazy without her then she got up and left. Jack followed her. "Where is she going?" I asked Matt and Taylor. "Not sure bro." Matt said. After a long time of us sitting in silence the back door opened. Jack was carrying MaKayla bridal style. "We were talking and she rested her head on my shoulder and just fell asleep." He said walking past us. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To put her in her bed duuh." He said jokingly. When he came back down he sat on the floor in front of me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm really relieved, we need to call the police right now and tell them what's going on." I said. We did and let them know we found her, that she came home and that she is in fact NOT dead. I was just speechless the whole night. "Hey bud you okay?" Aaron asked. "Y-yeah I'm fine." I nodded. "Hey be serious now, the last time I asked someone ran away." He said looking at me in all seriousness. "I am, I'm actually really happy." I said. "I'm glad she's here, safe and not dead. I went crazy without her." I said. "We're all glad she's back bro." He smiled and patted me on the back. "Well boys..." Taylor spoke up like a biker teen from the 70's or 80's. "Well what?" Matt asked. "Tomorrow is her court day, we know she'll be nervous and we need to support her. We need to make sure she finishes strong and doesn't let him intimidate her. Also, we have no clothes to wear for this." He said. "Well we all need suits..." I said. "Okay, how about Matt, Aaron and I go get suits then when we get back you two can go." Jack said. "Okay so me and Taylor will go later then." I said. They walked out the door I realized it was only 9:00 pm. Me and Taylor made a few funny vines and posted them, we had to make sure we stayed as quiet as we could though because Makayla was sleeping. At about 9:45 the boys walked in. They all bought five white button ups and five different colored/patterned bow ties. "We decided to just get it for you guys because the store closed at 10:00 and didn't want you guys to rush. No one has claimed a tie so we can all pick a random one." Matt said. "Alrighty then." Taylor said. We all slept either on the couch, mattress or recliner. We all decided to just go to bed because we knew we had a long day ahead of us.
Sorry this chapter wasn't good. I was honestly really stuck and haven't had time to write. But next chapter should be a lot better because of the trial.

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