Chapter 7

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Makayla's POV
Well the last few days have been awful. Cody is the worst! I just need time with my friends. I get in the shower because where I have my situation I haven't been able to shower since the day the boys first came over. I take a long shower and get out. I pick out a pair of white shorts, a purple bandeau, and a blue The Fault in our Stars muscle tank. I dry my hair and put it in like curls. I get dressed and slide one my blue vans. I walk back into the bathroom and do my makeup. I don't wear much, just mascara and eyeliner. I look at myself and feel like I'm missing something. I walk back into my room and grab my white flower crown and throw it on. I walk into my room and spray on some perfume and grab my phone off the charger. I skip down the stairs and everyone looks at me. My eyes immediately meet Gilinsky's, I mean come on he's shirtless and had one heck of a body. "How you feeling girlie?" Matt asks me. "Better, I'm not in much pain anymore, just the bruises and scratches hurt, and of course my head hurts every once in a while." I say. "Well today is going to be a great day." Gilinsky assures me with a wink. I can't help but look at him, his body is a perfect tan, his abs and v-line are just on point. His back muscles are just so attractive too. I was snapped out of my daze "Gilinsky go get ready before she drools everywhere." Johnson said. Everyone started laughing and looked over at me. I looked like a tomato. I sat down next to Taylor and Aaron around my counter. "When are we going to the mall?" I ask. "When Jack comes back." Aaron said. We sat there for about twenty minutes and the Jack comes out of the bathroom dressed in red vans, khakis, a red vans t-shirt and a red watch. "Ready?" They asked. "Ready." He said. He walked over to me and hugged me. His soft lips pecked my forehead.
When we get to the mall all these screaming girls ran over to us. They were taking pictures and yelling things to the boys. "Who are you?" One fan asked. I just rolled my eyes at her and let go of jacks arm and just hold his hand. "Are you his girlfriend?" "Why is he with you?" "You're fat and ugly." "Slut" "ugly whale, you can't get anybody." All these fans were yelling horrible things at me. I'm very self conscience so it was really hurting me. The boys weren't noticing the fans that were hating on me. "You're so ugly." "Big foot called, he wants his face back." "You're really fat you know." I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes. I tried letting jacks hand go but he wouldn't let me, not paying attention as to why. "Let me go." I quietly whispered so only he could here. "Wait what's wrong." I didn't answer, I just ran off into the mall. I didn't bother looking behind me.

Gilinsky's POV
When we got to the mall, fans crowd us and take pictures. Kayla was standing with me holding my hand, I was happy holding her hand, until she wanted to let go. "Let me go." She said I let her go and asked what's wrong, she didn't answer. She ran off I didn't know if she was crying until I saw her wipe her face mid run. "Guys what happened?" I asked. They all looked at me confused. "What are you talking about?" Jack asked. I pointed to the empty place next to me. "We were holding hands and meeting fans and the she told me to let go and started crying, I called for her and she just ran away." I said nervously. "Okay well we need the fans to leave, we love them but they have to go." Taylor said. "Matt go get security and have the fans NICELY escorted." He whispered. Our fans were crowding us and we needed them to leave so we could check on Makayla. A few seconds later, 5 big masculine guys came and told the fans to nicely leave. They all whined and finally left. "Guys we need to split up and find her." Matt said. "Okay." We all said. We all walked in different directions. 3 & 2. Me and Taylor went one way and the other three went another way. "Hey have you seen a girl in blue vans, blue muscle tank for The Fault in our Stars, white shorts and a purple bra thing run by crying?" Taylor asked strangers. They all said "no im sorry". Well this is just great, I can't find this perfect girl who's not in the perfect mood. She needs to be in my arms right now telling me what's wrong so I can comfort her. "Hey have you seen a girl wearing a flower crown, blue TFIOS muscle tank, white shorts, blue vans, a purple bra thing and crying run this way?" Taylor asked strangers. They all apologized. "Bro, where is she?" He asked. Then I saw a hallway for the bathroom that had a vending machine. "Hey come here." I said "no, we gotta fi-" I dragged him down the hall. "Bruuh what the heck." He laughed. We sat down in the couch chairs. "Let's call her" I said. I call her and put it on speaker phone. I heard her ringtone, it was No Type. She quickly turned it off. We walk to the girls bathroom door. We call her again and here it vibrate. We smirk at eachother and push the door. It was locked. "Open the door." Taylor said. "No" she said sobbing. "What's wrong?" I asked sweetley. "Nothing" she said sniffling. "Then open the door silly." Taylor giggled. "No." She said sniffling more. "Please princess." He said. "We wanna talk to you, it's just me and Jack G." He said. I heard the door click and we walked in and locked the door. I walked up and hugged her. Taylor did after me, he picked her up and sat her on the sink. I stood between her legs, I lifted her chin up and looked in her eyes. Tears were pouring out, I wiped them away with my thumb. I hugged her again and Taylor grabbed her hand. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Uh nothing." She said. "Well obvi-" I was cut off by Taylor's gasp. "What is it Tay-" I looked down speechless and my eyes grew wide. Her wrist had two small cuts and were bleeding. She's never done this before, EVER. "Makayla did you cut yourself?" I asked tearing up. Taylor looked up at her.

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