Chapter 5

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Gilinsky's POV
I look at Taylor before I see what the this was and he was just standing there freaking out. I looked down and see Makayla laying there on the ground. "MAKAYLA!" We shouted. She wasn't moving but she was breathing. "We probably should have taken her to the emergency room this morning after it happened she might have a concussion."Taylor said. "Yeah for real. We need to call 911 and get the boys later." "Okay I got you man." Taylor calls 911 and in 10 minutes the ambulance gets here. Me and Taylor sat there with Makayla talking to her and trying to get her to get up. She wasn't getting up and me and Taylor are freaking out. The people come and get her and let us in the ambulance thing. We drove to the hospital and ran and followed the nurses to a room they turned to us and said we can't be in there quite yet. We walk to the waiting area and sit. It's about. It's about 5:15 and we haven't eaten since 10:45. "Jack do you want anything from the snack machine?" He asked. "Two bags of Doritos please." I handed him the money and he walks to the vending machine. I lay my head back and close my eyes. I need to calm down. My hearts racing I got so scared. Me and Taylor both, he's extra protective over her, that's why he ended up punching Cody. I lifted my head up when Taylor tapped my shoulder. "Oh thank." "Hey maybe we should call the guys." He said "okay I'll call now."
JG: Hello?
JJ: Hey what's up?
JG: We're at the hospital...
JJ: What why?
JG: Well Makayla has been sleeping since yall left and me and Taylor took a nap. When we woke up makayla stood up and collapsed and she went unconscious.
JJ: Oh my gosh!
JG: Guys please try and hurry, you guys can finish what you're doing if you want, but please try and come after.
JJ: Okay, We'll be there ASAP.
JG: Okay thank you.
JJ: Anything for our princess, she'll be fine.
JG: I hope so. Okay bye.
"They said they would be here as soon as possible." I said. "Alright"
About 45 minutes passed and not a single doctor has come to see us about Makayla. Then, I hear a lot of talking and look up and see Matt Aaron, and Jack. They walk and sit over with me and Tay. "Hey guys sorry we're a little behind, we decided to shop some more for Kayla." Jack said. "You guys are fine, we've been here." "What did the doctors say?" Matt asked. "They haven't been out once since we've been here." I said concerned. "Are you serious, what are they doing?" Jack asked. "Probably running test or CAT scans or X-Rays." Taylor says. We all decided to tweet about Makayla. We got about 20,000 tweets immediately. "Feel better girl" "I'm praying for you sweet heart" "oh no is she okay?" We responded to about 100 total reassuring them she should be fine and that we're waiting on the doctors to come. For a few minutes we all sat there. "Jack and or Taylor?" Me and Taylor both jumped up and turned to a man in a white coat. "Are you guys here with Makayla?" "Yes, we all are" I say pointing to all the boys around me. "Okay well you two come with me." He walks away and we look at the guys confused and hurry and follow him. He takes us to a room with X-Ray pictures and random doctor charts and signs. "Hello gentlemen." The man said shaking each of our hands. "Hello." We say. "To start off, Makayla is going to be okay." Me and Taylor look at eachother with a look of relief. "But..." The doctor says. There's always a bit isn't there, I think to myself. "But what...?" Taylor asks. "After we took her in the room we noticed a cut on her eye and bruising to her arms. We decided to check her and we noticed her ribs were bruised and scratched. We ran some tests, took some X-Rays, and found some things. For starters the cut on her eye is okay, secondly her rib cage area is damaged, two of her ribs are broken, and then there's her skull..." He paused for a minute. I looked up at Taylor who was tearing up. "They said she has to stay overnight for more test." I say. "I think we should go home and just let her rest and come back first thing tomorrow." Jack says. "Okay sounds good." Aaron and Matt say simultaneously. When we got home we all sat down. Everyone just watched TV. It's around 6:30 when Taylor says he's hungry. "Do you guys just wanna call delivery for something?" He asked. "Yeah, pizza or Chinese will be fine with me" Jack answers. "Chinese!" We all shouted. We called it in and about 25 minutes later all our food was here. We sat around watching movies all night and ate. We fell asleep around 7:45 the next morning. When we all woke up it was about 7:00 that night. We all were freaking out because we only had an hour to get us somewhat ready to pick Makayla up and pack her a few things and get to the hospital to pick her up. All of us divided into my car and Jack's, me and him just got our license a few months ago. When we got there me and Jack went in to get her. We apologized for not being there earlier, we explained that we were hyper that night and went to sleep at about 7:30 this morning and woke up around 45 minutes ago. The doctor made it very clear to make sure that Makayla gets some rest and that they will do as best they can to help her ribs. Her head is looking okay the fracture isn't bad, they will worry about it later. They have her on some medications that we have to pick up later. When we got to the cars Makayla decides to ride with Taylor, Aaron and I. We start driving and we pass her house. "Where are we going?" "You'll just have to wait and see won't you?" Taylor laughed. "Fine!" When we pull up to the restaurant Makayla gets really excited. "TOKYO!" She squeals. She loves Japanese food, so we decided to bring her here. After we sat down and ordered we all started talking. "How are you feeling?" Aaron asked. "Better, I'm not in as much pain as I was." She smiled. Ten minutes later a chef comes out with a cart of uncooked foods and seasonings. He begins to cook in front of us. After everyone was served we all ate. "I'll be right back." Makayla said standing up. "Okay cutie." I called behind. "Jack?" Taylor turns and whispers to me smirking. "Yeah?" I responded confused. "Do you like her?" E asked. My heart stopped, I haven't ever thought of it much. I mean I think I do, she's beautiful, smart, funny, crazy, lazy, hyper, quiet, and amazing all in one. "What do you mean?" I asked pushing those thoughts to the side for a minute. "You call her cute all the time." "So do you and Jack, or princess." I say proving a point "true, but never-" "Okay I do! But you can't tell any of the guys at all." "You have my word bro." We started talking at a regular volume to the rest of the guys. After about three minutes of Makayla being gone we looked for her around the table area. Then all of a sudden "AHHHH!" Me and the boys jump and then look at each other. "That can't be-" "It is" Taylor and Jack said. "You guys stay here I'll go check." Taylor says. "Okay" everyone agrees.

Taylor POV
So today has been such a day. With the situation Makayla went through today and all. I felt so bad for her. I just want to hug her and not let go for a long time. We were eating and enjoying ourselves until a loud high pitched scream pierced the ears of the people. I offer to go to check because I know Makayla's scream. I walk out to the lobby area and she's not there. I'm really confused. I check the boys bathroom because you never know. I walk in the girls bathroom and get a few gasps and scurries. I didn't care, I was looking for my best friend. I walked back to the table. "Where's Makayla?" Jack J. asked confused looking at the space next to me. "I don't know, I checked the lobby and both bathrooms." "Wait then where is-" Taylor was speaking and got cut off. "Do you think it's...Cody?" Matt asked nervously. "Oh my gosh, what if it is?" I asked. "How could it be?" Gilinsky asks. "He could have followed us and been watching us." Aaron adds. We all sit there and think for about five minutes. "Guys I'll be right back. I'm going outside." I said. I stood up and my heart was pounding. I walk out and circle the restaurant. I get to the back of the building and see what we all feared. I felt my fist tightening.

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