All day everyday

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"That's your problem,you always think you're right! Just one simple thi- "
"I said Im sorry!" I cut her off before she could even finish her sentence because I already knew what she was going to say, she has been saying it for like the tenth time now.

"No little missy!" she said that now with her finger pointing towards me, " Don't cut me off, I wanna express the way I feel!"

"Well fine Miss expression!" I shouted back but I now had anger written all over me " Express yourself but I won't stand and listen to that crap", with that said I didn't even wait for her to respond I just went out my room and shut the door so hard that it kind of sounded like thunder.

I ran quickly down the stairs and grabbed my phone from the kitchen countertop along with earphones it had in it. I then shut the main door behind me as I made my way out of the house.

I was not just angry, I was sad,terrified and a whole lot more negative emotions one can feel. I missed them, I missed my mom,dad,brother and my friends, I missed my country, I missed home. I've always wanted to be away from them but now I missed them.

'But nah they don't care about you as much as you care about them'

And there it was, my inner voice and it always disagrees with me but it always has good points though, I would've lost all cases if I had to go against it in court..yeah right like that would ever happen.

So here I am, at my favourite spot in the whole world, away from home and away from people. It's nothing fancy it's just a rock on a hill away from the houses. It's my place of peace, I usually come here when I wanna clear my mind off,cry so much that I even get hiccups or when I have just have something on my chest that I wanna take out..yeah I talk to the rock, the trees and the weird looking lizards that are always there, I just speak.

That's what I love about nature, nature is amazing, I speak to it, it always listens ,it doesn't judge, always has time for me it doesn't respond but atleast it listens...that's what matters to me..

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