Looking at the creatures that held her captive she realized she had been right to come in peace. However, she wasn't sure if she would make it to the palace alive to seek an audience with the King and Queen.

They were ugly -both of them. Skin grey, half-covered with what looked like scales. Their eyes dark and empty, as if they had no soul inside. They were scary and ugly and clearly hunters. Noemi cursed inside her head. She just had to go and bump into the palace guards. She recognized the creatures from pictures in one of the only books about Nialiv. They were Sirens; the most vicious and dangerous hunters except perhaps the Vampires of Veloria.

"I come in peace!" she declared raising her hands in surrender. She hoped that the universal translator would work, or else she could see herself becoming Siren meal very soon. "I seek an audience with the King and Queen of Merfolk kind."

The Sirens stared at her with their black eyes for what seemed like an eternity. But at last, the one who was not about to slice her throat spoke.

"And why should we grant your wish?" it hissed with malice.

Noemi swallowed and hoped to find the right words. If she said the wrong thing her life would end. And she wouldn't have even said goodbye to Grav.

"Because if you kill me now, they'll just send another one to do my job."

"So we'll kill them too." the Siren snickered.

"But they'll keep sending more and more." Noemi insisted. "I'm just an employee. My bosses want to make a deal with your rulers, one that would benefit both sides. What would your King say if he finds out he could have gained something for his people but was denied that chance?" she challenged. "I bet he would be angry," she smirked.

The Sirens hissed defensively. Their long, sharp teeth shined dangerously inside the dark abyss. And for a moment, Noemi thought for good that she had chosen the wrong words to say. But the nails retreated from her throat leaving her to gasp with relief. The Siren swam close to her face managing to become even more threatening than before.

"We'll take you to our King. But you are our prisoner, not our guest."



In another part of the galaxy, in the courtroom of Dinneilea, the council was gathered around the round table to discuss yet again about the never ending war with Larth. As usual, all five Houses that represented Dinneilea were present. Drax, the House of Protection, charged with defending the planet from extraterrestrial threats while keeping the peace between the people of Dinneilea. Next to Drax was the represent of House Oran, who stood for Religion. Faith was important to their people and so the High priest had an input in the decisions of the council. Next, was House Nour, the house of Science. Dinneilea prided herself in being one of the most technologically advanced planets -which they wouldn't if it wasn't for the scientists of House Nour. The last two were House Zaem, that represented Justice, and House Ivar, who represented the people of Dinneilea. Ivar was not a noble House like the rest of the council. Instead, it was voted every year from the people and for the people. Then, the chosen one, would take the last name Ivar and move to the citadel to become part of the council.

The council meetings were private and secretive. Neither member of the council wanted their people to know the truth -well, besides the truth they told them. Everyone knew that the most likely scenario was that the information would be molded into something different and that Dinneileans would jump into their own conclusions. That would probably cause riots and the last thing they needed was to fight an inside war when they were busy losing an outside one.

"All I'm saying is that we need a different strategy." the head of House Zaem was saying.

The private meetings were not so private when one of your parents is on the council. Astrid Nour had been a troublemaker for her parents ever since she learned how to walk. When you belong in a House, you are never meant to do anything besides what that House stands for. In Astrid's case, she is expected to be a brilliant scientist and take over her father's lab as he had from his father and his father before him. But from the tower where her bedroom was, she would watch as the Draxs trained and the power shown in their bodies had mesmerized her.

The Last of the Time Lords: Tales of a Bounty Hunter Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora