Part 41

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Ragini Gauri and Anika reach the restaurant.

Ra: yehi restaurant hein na

G: haan

A: kahan hein vo

G: humein kya pata, hum nahi dekha hein usse

Ra: toh call karo na,,naam kya hein uska

G: dandi

Anika and Ragini frowns: kya

G: Dandi Takur

Ra:,yeh kaise naam hein dandi

Anika and Ragini laughs.

Ra: you better marry Om, Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi hoge tum, isse shaadi karoge toh

Anika and Ragini laughing

A Ra: Gauri Dandi Takur

Gauri glares.

G: mazak lag rahe hein aapko, hum yahan tension mein hein aur aap

Ra: acha ok, anika shshsh

A: I started?

Gauri gets the call.

G: uska call hein(Gauri takes the call)


Da: I reached, where are you

Ra: pahunch gaye kya


Ragini sees Dandi (spects, wearing suit, with a book in hand).

Ra: vo hein kya

Gauri wave hands. He nods and walks to them. He stops at a table and adjust the chair which is not put properly. Dandi comes to them and looks uncomfortable.

Da: these much people? Papa told only you will come to meet.

Anika and Ragini looks each other. Gauri frowns.

G: sirf hum teenon hi toh hein

Da: I just hate gathering. Anyways

Dandi takes sanitizer and wipe his hands and forward his hand.

Da: dandi Takur

Gauri goes to give hand.

Da: where is your sanitizer

Ga: ji?

Da: you don't use sanitizer

Gauri nods no.

Da: Its so unhealthy

Gauri sighs and folds her hand.

G: namaste I am Gauri

Dandi raise his eyebrow: Ok

Ra: hum beit jaayein

Da: ok

They four sit. Dandi looks around. Anika smiles.

A: achi jagah hein na, I knew it

Da: actually nahi

Anika's smile fades. Ragini and Gauri control their smile.

Da:Its so crowded, the space between each table is so less so no privacy. The position of the flower vase is also not good. The interior is so loud na.

A:loud? Interior kaunsa shor karta hein

Da: you are trying to be funny? Good attempt

Anika raise her eyebrow.

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