Chapter 32

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Anthony, Miranda and the other guy entered the clearing. 

"So you thought you could escape did you?" Anthony said with a slightly crazed look. 

"You've been a bad little pup." He started towards me but Miranda stopped him. 

"Anthony stop." she said. 

"Move out of my way Miranda. This pup has been bad and I need to teach her a lesson and her friend as well." 

"No. Not here." Miranda said and they started arguing.

I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins and I didn't feel the pain anymore. 

I leaned over to Hannah and whispered "Do you trust me?" She nodded. 

"Then stay seated." She nodded again. 

I stood up and looked at Anthony and Miranda arguing and let out a low growl which got their attention. 

"Ooo. It looks like the little pup has some bravery. I can't wait to have some fun." Anthony said excited. 

"Anthony quit it." a voice said. 

"Aw Lucas you're no fun just like Miranda." Anthony said and the other guy who I assumed was Lucas glared at him. 

Before I knew Anthony had me pinned against a tree with a knife to my throat. I scared out of my mind but I was also mad. Mad that he had killed my mom, that he hurt me. So I kneed him in the balls. He doubled over in pain and dropped the silver knife. I picked it up from the ground and quickly got away from Anthony. I cautiously walked back over Hannah and gave her the knife. She nodded and stood up next to me.

"Ugh men and their weakness." Miranda said with a sneer. 

I positioned myself in a fight position. Everyone had to learn self defense in our pack. Miranda used me and tired to punch me but I barely dodged it. I didn't want to fight but I had to protect Hannah. She tried to punch me again and this time I somehow managed to kick her legs out from under her. Hannah rushed from behind me and stabbed her in the leg and she screamed pain. 

Anthony recovered and was stalking towards us looking mad, "That's my favorite knife! You can't touch it! You filthy human!" he yelled and lunged at Hannah. 

She slapped him with knife and he let out a noise of pain. He tried to grab the knife but Hannah dropped it and pushed him away. I picked up the knife and handed back to Hannah. She put it in her backpack and slung on her shoulder. She kicked Anthony in the balls. And he fell to the ground next to Miranda. 

The other guy Lucas was just standing there with an amused look on his face. 

"Get on my back. And hold on tightly." I whispered and Hannah looked confused. 

I shifted to my wolf form laid down so Hannah could climb on my back. She looked at me shocked and climbed on and grabbed onto my fur tightly. I look at Lucas and his eyes narrowed and I bolted off into the woods.

I quickly found the pack's scent, I don't know why it would be all the way out here but it was probably just a scout. I was completely running on adrenaline now. 

I could feel Hannah look back and she yells so I can hear her "They're chasing us. All three of them." 

Of course they were so I picked up the pace and hoped that I could get on pack territory before they caught us. I saw a black wolf run past me and he turned and cut me off. I growled swerved to the right. A hazel wolf, the wolf that killed my mother cut me off so I had to turn to the left. I almost slipped back into my memories but I forced myself to stay focused. A dark brown wolf came in front of me and I was forced to stop. They had me basically surrounded.

I started to back up. I didn't know what to do, I just acted on instinct. I ran towards Anthony and clawed him in the face and that was enough of a distraction so that I could make it past them. I sprinted towards the pack's territory. I silently apologized to Hannah for making the ride so rough. 

"They're still following us." Hannah said. 

I pushed myself and made past the border of our territory but  I didn't slow down. I ran right past the patrol and they chased after us as well. The adrenaline was starting to wear off, but I made it to the pack house before I tripped and collapsed on the ground and lost consciousness. 

The Alpha's Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें