Chapter 26

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Hannah had walked over to us and was looking at Cole.  

"You know this dumb ass?" I ask. 

"Yeah he and Rose come over sometimes." she said looking at Cole curiously. 

So that's where she goes after school some days. Why didn't she tell me? I look over at Cole with a grin. 

"What's with the look?" he asks. 

"So you go over to a girl's house after school huh?" Cole blushed. 


"Is he your brother?" Hannah blurted out. I look back at her. 

"Not biologically, but I wish. I like him better than my actual brother." Hannah laughed. 

I notice that Cole is staring at her and then it dawned on me she was his mate. I laughed and they looked at me confused. I gave Cole a knowing grin and his eyes widening. 

I winked at him and said "Now Hannah I'm assuming your single right?" She nods. 

"Well I have something to tell you Cole-" Cole covered my mouth with his hand. I gave his hand a big lick and he uncovered my mouth and shoved me. 

"Ew Claudia that's disgusting." he said Hannah was laughing at us. 

Then she look at us shyly "Do you mind if I join you guys?" 

"Not at all." Cole said and we started walking again. 

We walked pass the cafe were me and Rose had our date. I felt another pang in my chest. God I missed her so much. And I'll save her no matter what. I'll make sure that nothing happens to her again. I was knocked out of my thoughts when someone ran into me. 

"Watch where you're going man." the guy said. 

"I'm not a man." I say. 

He sneered at me "So you're a dyke then." 

I saw red and slammed up against a building. 

"What did you say to me you dick." I growl. 

My emotions were running high, missing Rose, my fear for her, my anxiety about finding her again and on top of that this guy just had to disrespect me. 

"I called you a dyke, bitch are you deaf?" 

"Apparently." I say and punch him in the face. He kicked me in the shins as hard as he could. I punched him again harder. 

"Don't disrespect me or anyone else again." I growl. 

"Really and what are you going to do to stop me?" he said trying to sound confident but I could see the fear in his eyes. 

I smirked "I'll dislocate you jaw so you can't talk. How about that?"

 I was about to punch him again when someone pulled me off him and pushed me to the ground. 

"Get out of here." Cole said and the guy ran down the street.

"What the hell Cole!?" I say getting up. 

He walked over to me and punched me in the face, hard. 

"Get a hold of yourself Claudia. You're acting like you're on drugs again. What would Rose say?" 

That stopped me. She wouldn't want me to use violence. She would just say to walk away and ignore it. I look down at the ground and sigh. 

"I'm sorry." I say. 

"It's fine. Let's just hope that you didn't scare Hannah away." 

"Sorry." I say again and we walk over to where Hannah was standing. 

"Jesus Claudia, I didn't know you had moves like that." she said and I smiled and chuckled. 

Later that night I skipped dinner. I stop thinking about Rose. My mom tried to talk to me but I wouldn't open the door for her. Then Jake texted saying that there was food outside my door for me but  didn't touch it. It was killing me not to be near Rose and knowing that she was in danger. I feel anymore pain so I think that's a good thing. And the distraction with Hannah and Cole helped a bit but not much. 

At 11 I decided I was going to go out in the woods for a run. I snuck out and nodded to the patrol. Once I got into the woods I shifted and just tried to let my mind be free and run.

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