Chapter 26 - Katsudon

Start from the beginning

"S-stop, it feels w-weird." Said the blond, trying to pull his dick away from the laughing boy under the sheets.

Warning: End Smut

Izuku crawled his way out from down under and laid on one of Kacchan's arms as he placed a hand his chest, feeling his fast beating heart.

"I could get used to this..." stated the breathless blond, not at all mad about what had happened.

"Well, you might have to." Winked Midoriya as he began started getting up. He turned back around and gave the blond a short kiss on the lips. "I know I want to." He said cockily as he walked off to the bathroom, a slight limp in his walk.

Katsuki smirked at Izuku's walk, 'I did that.' He thought proudly as he laid there trying to catch his breath, 'And he did this.' He thought, laughing as he took in his flustered state.

It'd be stupid to say that Katsuki wasn't shocked at what Izuku had said. 'He wants this.' He thought happily, getting up a stupid smirk on his lips.

They went about their morning routine, washing up, dressing, making breakfast and brushing their teeth with the occasional touch of the hands, or a small touch to the back, a soft kiss on the shoulder, a harsh shove against the wall had them making out, a hard squeeze of Izuku's ass that led to more dry humping.

Oh yeah, they both wanted this to happen. He'd work his ass off if it meant he could be with the boy and make him the happiest person on earth. 'He deserves it...' thought the blond

As they made their way to school, they couldn't help but wonder what was going on between them. Were they together? They still hadn't talked about, well, everything.

So many unanswered questions clouded the blond's mind, things he needed to get off his chest. Katsuki needed to talk about it, he needed to apologize for everything he had ever put the boy through, his mind wouldn't let him rest until he did.

Taking their seats on the bus, Katsuki grabbed one of Izuku's smaller softer hands in his, drawing his attention to him, "Izuku, I'd like to talk about what was said at the party the other day..." he said, afraid the boy wouldn't want to listen.

"Kacchan, what I'm going to say, I'm only going to say it once, so please, pay attention and don't interrupt. Ok?" Midoriya said. When had he gained so much confidence? He blamed it on their new found feelings, it made him feel stronger.

"Alright..." agreed Katsuki, unsure of where this was going. He was sure the boy was going to put him down, tell him he wanted nothing to do with him, but what Izuku had told him at home meant that there was a shot, at least he thought there was.

Izuku squeezed the blond's hand a bit as he took in a big breath, "What was said at the party, is all true. What happened in our past really affected me Kacchan, it had a huge impact on my life, the way you treated me." He began explaining. "But you weren't supposed to find out, at least not like that."

Taking a look out the window, "I tried to kill myself twice believing it was the right thing to do, believing it would make you happy or that I would be unburdening you." He laughed at his stupidity.

The blond only looked away in shame, afraid that if he looked at the perfect angel next to him he'd break him and lose him forever. He squeezed the boy's hand, telling him to continue.

"If I could go back and change it, I would, believe me that I would." He said looking at the blond now, returning the squeeze, "But what's done is done and I can't sit here and dwell on the past Kacchan." He sighed.

He began playing with the blond's fingers as he spoke, admiring the contrast between their two hands, "I can only strive to become a better person today, every day we get to live is a new day to try harder at bettering myself." He said with a smile.

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