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My little black fox is screaming; a loud call of help. Something of sadness, anger, and something unknown.

A tragic representation of things I know, one thing to the never know.

A fox, a fox that was aware of what was happening. It knew it was different in the world of sheep.

Until it realized, we were all the same, wolves in sheep's clothing. But then, the lie came, the lie reigned, the lie we became, the lie we are all afraid of...

The fox may be afraid, it is still brave. It knew, the truth was still there, it was always there, never forgotten, never left, never shutted out, yet still... What we know wrong, the one causing terror, depression, and darkness.

We trapped the truth in a fine wall. The truth was not among the darkness, it was the darkness. The light of the lie, so attractive, stunning, a magnificent view. They were not blinded by the view, they were addicted to it.

The fox knew better. The fox was trapped in the truth, it was all alone. Trying to call on the inside of the lie, calling for them inside.

Determined, the fox called on its dear old friend, a friend that once betrayed. One of those who built a fine wall. The fox called on its friend, the Fox knew they were still there, they were one.

They were separated by the fine wall, which was useless. Wherever the friend, there is the fox, the monster everyone fears it brings. The death of all, the endless rival of sugar coating.

The fox did not know it is bringing death closer to its friend, it did not know that it has broken the fine wall.

The whole mission of the fox, it has ignored that it was not alone, many have reached out. Sadly, how wise the fox, how ignorant it is. How wise the fox, it lacks knowledge.

Because of the fox's stupidity, its friend and itself almost vanished. It never wanted help, it only wanted to help. It's selflessness has caused its own doom.

Thank you again for reading this book!!

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