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A sly vixen was captured among crowds of nobodies. Crowds of anything and everything.

It all became nothing, like air. Like air swirling around without anyone looking, source of oxygen. Which the little fox was lacking.

Its throat closing up, not knowing what to even say and do. Blood rushing to its cheeks and not reaching the brain, the fox stood there, dumb founded with a tint on its cheeks.

A sly vixen it was, it is, yet still kind enough to ask why a fox like it was standing stupidly. Is this it? What it was? Will it really?

The fox was baffled at hearing a melodious sound, like a mother singing a lullaby. Sounds so sweet the fox's fangs hurt.

What am I feeling? Thought the fox as it closed its eyes thinking it's a dream, but once opened, it saw otherwise.

The fox's eyes met another, eyes so deep full of stories to tell, colors so full it's like they opened something among the fox. Standing up straight and confident as if a crazy fellow inhaled a drug, the fox asked pardon to the vixen. Whereas now amused how the fox awed and drooled at its appearance.

Until now, the fox inhaled an addicting sweet scent, also dark and sultry smelling like velvet. Never until now the fox wanted to breathe. At Last after long hour-like minutes, they finally talked. Something that rarely happens to the fox, nobody dared to go near a fox so amateur, plain and simple.

As simply as talking to a vixen, it gave the fox hope, passion and an explosion of emotions. Never did it strive, never did it see, never did the fox ever be free, never did it breathe so happy.

But then again a sly vixen it was, it left the fox wanting with lust, fallen in love. And now... With a broken heart.


Hello again!
Once again thank you for reading this book, I don't know why you would still read it.

Basically this was my idea of love since some of my past interactions were like it. Meet someone, they are nice and flirty with you, you try to flirt back so you know if they are interested, they flirt back, you like them now, you confess after a long time of thinking, then they reject you.

So yeah thanks again and you may give advice and criticism if you think that I am lacking in some parts.

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