"D'ya wanna back up mate?"

I blinked as I realised Niall spoke and I flinched as I noticed how close our faces were and I felt my body tense as he eyed me with an amused tilt to his lips.

He knew.

"Harry you really don't have a good grasp of personal space." Eleanor piped up and I bit my tongue at the look thrown towards me from Louis.

"I don't mind." Amelia smiled, her eyes still flicking over my body.

"Nobody cares what you think Amelia." I muttered as Zayn laughed before I drained my bottle and stood up. "M'going home."

"Already? I thought we were going to play!" Zayn moaned and I glanced at the screen to see his team absolutely thrashing Louis' and I smirked.

"Another time yeh'."

Zayn rolled his eyes but nodded as I clapped Niall on the shoulder and nodded at everyone else, my eyes barely straying to Amelia even though we'd arrived together.

She could make her own way home.

I dropped my few empty bottles into the recycling bin before I let myself out into the night and I sucked in a large breath of warm air. I hated the summer.

My fingers tapped along the steering wheel as a Hozier song played quietly through the speakers as I sat at a red light. I'd gotten better, I actually waited for these things now.

For a while I used to run every red light I came up too, I'd also had several tickets because of it but I couldn't help it.

For six months it was the only thing that made me feel alive again, and it also didn't matter that I didn't give a shit if I lived or I died.

Without thinking I turned right instead of driving straight on, the manoeuvre would have been impulsive if I hadn't been doing it periodically for the past year or so.

I barely had to look at where I was going; I knew these streets like the back of my hand. This area of London had been so foreign to me, and now I could drive them like it was nothing, I knew the turns and the corners; I knew for a fact there was always an old person crossing at the corner of Ainger road.

I turned the car off as I parked just past the house, my fingers already itching to find the key as I slipped through the gate and crunched across the gravel and I let myself inside.

The light suddenly illuminated the scene before me which, again, I knew with my eyes closed. The only difference now and it hadn't changed in the past two years was that I was here alone.

And the big white sheets covering the furniture that creeped me the fuck out. It was like there were ghosts in her house.

I toed my shoes off by the door before heading into the kitchen, turning the lights on as I went and I turned the kettle on immediately.

The first time I'd done this, I'd not touched a single thing, I had just gone straight to her room and laid in her bed.

The second time I was here, I made the mistake of looking at her belongings. Or at least what she hadn't taken with her.

It was the third time I was here when I noticed the blue box just sitting alone on her makeup desk thing. It was just there, alone, empty spaces all around it and I had cried.

I had cried for the first time since I was sixteen, I had cried for the first time over a girl. I had cried for the first time over Poppy.

Then I took it.

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