Chapter 1 The Ring

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Sonic was wondering around a market because he had to go and get some food for him and his friends hen then spotted a golden ring.

This ring looks really cool. said Sonic.

Oh there's more to this ring than it being cool kid it's a ring from a legend, the legend of the genie of the ring. said the store owner.

How much is it? Sonic asked.

It's only $20.00. the store owner mentioned.

Well I got all the food I need and I've got enough money yeah sure whay not here you go. said Sonic as he paid the man for the ring.

Just then a man walked up to Sonic.

Hey kid get rid of the ring while you still can you're going to walk into a whole mess of danger if you don't the guy that's after the ring does not play nice. said the man running off.

What do you mean? Sonic asked.

Well, well how much for that ring you just brought? asked a man with black red eyes.

Sonic backed away.

Who are you? Sonic asked.

I'm Erazor Djin and I'm interested in that ring you got there how much do you want for it? Erazor asked.

Well it's not for sale now if you will excuse me I've got to go back home to my friends good day to you sir. said Sonic.

Erazor looked at the man that sold Sonic the ring.

That blue kid what's his name? Erazor asked.

Who him? Everyone knows who he is that's Sonic the hedgehog

Sonic came back home with all the stuff he brought.

Hey guys I'm back. said Sonic opening the door.

How was the shopping? Amy asked.

Well it was boring maybe you should do the shopping next time Amy with Tails.

Hey what's that you got on your finger? asked Tails.

Oh it's a ring from the legend that my mom used tell me and my siblings when we were little. said Sonic.

Oh the genie of the ring? asked everyone.

Yes that's the legend man good times those were not as good as the fun I have now but still good times. said Sonic

Sonic and the Secret of the Seven World RingsWhere stories live. Discover now