Ch. 6-Wait What?!?

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Seeing him warming up, I stand in the doorway watching him stretch and loving how I can see his muscles flexing through his shirt.

I walk in and set my things down before I start stretching beside him.

The class only last forty-five minutes and I waited with Hobi until everyone left. I sat nervously tapping my foot. Internally freaking out about this date later.

"Kya, are you good?" Hobi hands me a towel, I use it to wipe the sweat off my neck.

"Yeah... I have a date in a later and I guess I'm a little nervous." I pant out and shake my hair.

Hobi starts rubbing the back of his neck and clears his throat.

"Kya you have nothing to worry about if he didn't fall in love with you the second he saw you he's a fool."

I look up at him a little taken back by his words. Wondering if he was talking about himself or Yoongi.

"I just don't want to say the wrong thing. Maybe I'm just over stressing." I pulled my hair up into a clip and wipe the wear off my stomach.

I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't dare lookup. Fearing I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

"You'll do great." He smiles at me before giving me a hug and wishing me the best.

It's now five-fifteen and I walk inside, hoping straight into the shower. I washed and shaved everywhere. Before stepping out and drying off. I decided to wear a black dress that was slightly off one shoulder and flows right above my knees. Pairing the dress with five-inch heels that wrap around my ankles.

I finished around six-twenty five. And I decided to sit on the couch and watch a movie until he got here. Getting more nervous by the minute I twirl my phone around my hands and keep checking to see if I have a text from Yoongi.

I realize I'm halfway through the movie and Yoongi still hasn't come and my heart starts to sink. I feel a tear fall down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. I won't let some random guy make me cry.

I flip my phone overseeing I have a text from Yoongi and I quickly open it think he's going to explain why he's late and be heading this way.

Yoongi: Hey Kya I'm really sorry but I have to cancel tonight. Something important came up  last minute. Forgive me, I'll make it up to you.

I frown and left out a huff. Feeling like a complete drag I turn off the movie. I get up about to head to my room to get changed and just head to bed when I get a text from Jungkook.

Jungkook: I wish you would have come inside the café, I missed seeing your gorgeous face.

I smile and lightly giggle before texting him back. I thought of an idea, and even though it may be a long shot I still wanted to ask.

Me: Well my plans just got switched around, do you want to go out and maybe get a couple of drinks??

I watched the bubbles bounce for what seemed to be forever.

Jungkook: Sure that sounds great! I could use a night out anyway, my brothers are being obnoxious. Would you mind taking on Uber over here, and then he can take one out, I don't want you driving out late?

I blush at his cute comment but agree instead of trying to pull a woman's power moment. Ordering the Uber before texting him back.

Me: That works for me. I'll be headed your way in five. See you then

Jungkook: Alright I'm hoping in the shower if I'm not out by the time you get here one of my brothers will let you in.

I reply telling him that I'm headed out the door, and he texts me his address then I quickly slide in the Uber and give the driver Jungkook's address before sitting back.

The Uber pulled up to a big house and I had to double-check the address. I step out of the car and continue to look at the house in amazement. Why in the hell was the guy working at a café, when he lived in a house like this? The house looked to be made of three, making me wonder if his whole family lived in the house.

I walked up the path and quickly knocked off the door letting out a nervous breath. I don't know what's going on with my nerves lately. I put my head down taking deep breaths. Hearing the door unlock and the door swings open I lift my head only to see the last person I expected.






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