"Let's get right to it then. Marisol, you've decided to be Grey's surrogate, yes?"

She nodded.

"Well, congratulations. We'll take the eggs that Mr. Weston chose from a donor and implant them within you. We could also take your eggs and fertilize them with Mr. Weston's sperm if that's what you prefer."

She had to admit, part of her wanted to carry her own child, but she was nowhere near ready to take care of a baby. Besides, she was blind; she could never properly take care of her child, not without help. It made her sad, but she smiled. "Whatever Mr. Weston wants is alright with me."

"Well, I'll allow Mr. Weston to think about it. For now, I want to exam you and explain the process as a whole. Overall, conception can differ depending on the carrier, but if all goes well, the entire process takes about a month. The cycle starts the first day of your period and from 8-14 days following you'll have to take a medication by injection."

The doctor, who Marisol later found out was Meredith, walked her into an exam room with Grey. She was told to sit on the bed and lift up her shirt. They did a quick ultrasound and then a normal checkup. After, Marisol and Grey were able to leave.

"Tomorrow," he said, staring out the window. "You get your period tomorrow."

It wasn't exactly a question, but she replied anyway. "Yes."

"I have tonight to decide."


He did have to decide whether to use the donor or to fertilize Marisol's eggs. If he was being honest, he already knew what he preferred.

When the car came to a stop, he led her back to her porch and then left, saying a soft goodbye. She sighed, unlocking her door. After showering, she made some tea and fell asleep with Tala on her bed.

She groaned, hearing a loud knock on her door. She made her way downstairs, opening her front door. Grey surged passed her, and she only knew it was him by the smell of his cologne. She shut the door, confused. She could tell it was either very early or very late. "Grey?"


She could tell by the strain in his voice that something wasn't right. "What's wrong?"

"I need an heir."

"Yes, I know, that's why...that's why we are doing all this..."

"I chose an egg donor a while ago." He chose a woman from his pack that he thought would produce strong pups for him. Now, Marisol was all he wanted.

"Well," she said, crossing her arms, almost pouting. "That's okay..." She could hear him pacing in her living room, and undoing something. She walked toward him, rubbing her hands over his chest to calm him down. And he did. He sighed, resting his large frame against the back of her couch. She jumped slightly when his hands found her waist.

"And then I met you. I met you and suddenly all I can think about is you, and how you wrote in that damn file that you like the crust of your French toast cut off," he chuckled, scoffing as he did.

"I-I don't know what to say. I'm sorry..."

"I want permission."

"F-for what?"

Well, if he'd tell the truth, he would have asked to make love to her, but he didn't. Instead, he asked for the next best thing. "I want you to be the biological mother."

She stood there, shocked for a moment. She told him he could choose, yet he came here, asking for her permission. She found it endearing. She knew she would be a terrible mother. She couldn't see...she wouldn't be able to dress them, or take pictures of them, or drive them to school functions. She wouldn't be able to play with them or read to them or care for them as a mother should. But she wanted to have a baby...she wanted to carry. But she also knew very well this would probably be her only chance.

Whether she admitted it or not, she was insecure at times because of her disability. She felt like she was so strange in such a normal world. She felt like every man who wanted her, only wanted to use her because it was easy. She felt like such a nuisance having to ask for easy tasks to be done. No one would ever love her. Who would want to fall in love with someone who relied on them? For god's sake, she couldn't even dress herself.

But she wanted to know what it felt like. She wanted to get morning sickness and feel the first kick. She wanted to get maternity clothes and go to doctor's appointments. She wanted to take this chance because this chance may be the last time.

She nodded. And for the first time, she almost felt what she thought was normal in such an abnormal situation. 

In case you were wondering, my sleep schedule is FUCKED

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In case you were wondering, my sleep schedule is FUCKED.

It's like a never-ending Saturday, but I don't know what day it is, what month it is, what year it is, what's due tomorrw...everything a blur. 

Anyway, keep quarantining everyone. I know it sucks but I am trying to update daily to do my part to help everyone stay a little entertained (and not go out). 

If you are not in mandated quarantine, tell me where you are from?? Is the entire world in quarantine?? 


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