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Merressia's POV

It's so boring, it's so quiet, it's so hollow for notice, I hate to say this but the guy next to me seems annoying he looks at me like I'm a freaking ghost or something I bet he dig this looks, but sorry not intresting.

He was looking around and damn are you hungry or what? But that's not my business I put my headphones on and listen to some music 🎵Hiroomi Tosaka ft crazyboy🎵 though yes the begging of the song, the entry is too long. I love to listen to K-POP and J-POP, they sound intresting and very awaken. I sit back and just sit quiet and look around for someone intresting.

Well they all seem to be with someone else and their guys. But then the guy next to me seems shaking, I didn't mind him and he kept looking, I wonder why.

Paul's POV

I kept looking at the girl next to me, I want to know her I want to say a word but she looks mean and very evil. I look around to see if there is anyone up here that I could recognize so that I could intend to stay with them when we landed.

Everyone was sleeping and no one was awake accept for me and this girl. She has headphones on and I could hear her playing a Japanese song, I find it in common because I love Japanese songs and also I understand Japanese a little.

She looks like she is sleeping, I couldn't tell cause she is wearing shades and looked relax. I sit back and just start to close my eyes and take a good night rest


Somewhere around the night, I woke up and check the time and it was 3:25 I feel like I could use a go and I looked around and didn't see the girl next to me, so I left my seat and head to the back to use the loo. I got to the back and she came out with her shades and headphones around her neck, one of the passengers was making her way through and it pushed me to lean on her, she pushed me away and left to her seat, I used the room and dang I forgot to eat. I hate it when I forget to eat, it makes me puke and gives my stomach a terrible position.

Merressia's POV

It was really weird and crazy about that guy, he doesn't look like he is straight to me, but it's not my business. I went to my seat and just listen to my music again and wait for the sun to rise up.

I couldn't sleep or what, because I'm not use to sleep on planes and I'm really strikes when it comes to this kind of thing. I went through my bag and grab my sketch book, I can't be calm without sketching. I sketched a river with palm trees on the side and the moon in the middle.

It felt good and then this guy came and sit back on his seat, he look thrown away. I was focused on my sketching and then I just felt tired, i knew I had my shades on so I lean back and take a little bit of break and try to relax my mind for trying to sleep.


I woke up and my sketch book is not in my hands I looked around for it and couldn't find it, but i looked at the guy next to me and he had it in his hands, I slapped him and he woke up "what is your problem? Don't touch whats not rightfully yours" he gave it to me and I put it back in my bag, this guy, first being weird and now took my book, I can't believe it. The pilot announce the plane is gonna land and I got my stuff ready, though my luggage is up top and only my bag with my sketch books is in side. I grab my headphone and wrapped it around my neck and my phone in my hands.

*5 minutes later*

Finally the plane landed. I can't wait to step outside, dang too crowded too pushy. I stood up and get my stuff and then suddenly this dude just walk pass me and I fell back and the guy that took my book catches me "are you ok?" "Yeah, thanks" the guy that pushed me came back and apologies and "Will?" The guy that catches me called him "oh my God Paul?" "Yeah it's me wassup?" "Visit" "cool" he helped me up, this Will whoever helped me up and apologised "I am so sorry miss" "next time use your eyes, yeah. And you"  I said facing Paul "don't ever touch whats rightfully mines or else you and I will have a go" "yes maam" "anyways Welcome home" I grab my stuff and left.

Paul's POV

"It's great I catch up with you"

"Yeah me too Paul"

"So where are you going?"

"I don't know, how about you?"

"Since I couldn't reach any of my folks here, so I'll have a hotel room for myself"

"Oh ok"


"Well it's nice to see you Paul"

"Yeah you too"

"Do you.. maybe wonna go to dinner tonight, maybe?"

"Sure ide like that"

"Great I'll see you later then. Our favorite restraunt ok"

"Yeah bye"

We went our separate ways and I head out to find a phone booth to dial if there is any of my family in reach.

I couldn't find any in the airport so I waved down to stop a taxi and a it stops to me. "Hi can you take me to the mall around the corner pls" "yes sir" riding after the flight was like back in California. We got right around the corner and then I saw this big mall. I payed the taximan and left to go inside

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