Being Sick Sucks - Imagine 5

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(Y/N) POV:

It was 3:30 am, the devil's hour I may add, and here I laid in bed feeling absolutely sick to my stomach. The stomach flu had been going around lately and I had gotten it once before when I was younger, all I remembered was that it sucked. I always hated being sick, I hated the feeling of someone helping me do or get things, it was easier if I did it myself, plus then it didn't bother anyone. Fuck, that sickening feeling in my stomach wasn't going away and it was just getting worse and worse.

I slowly stood up, immediately getting dizzy, I stumbled my way over to the bathroom and as soon as I could I leaned against the counter.

"Fuck it", I sighed and walked over to the toilet sitting down in front of it knowing I was bound to throw up at some point. After a few minutes I did just that and let me tell you, the food Ricky cooked for dinner the night before definitely wasn't as good the second time as it was the first.

Ricky's POV:

"3:45 am?" I questioned looking at my phone for the time. Something had woken me up, it almost sounded like a dying animal? I was probably just hearing things, so I rolled over in the nice warm bed only to find out something was missing. More like someONE was missing.

"(Y/N)?" I sat up quickly and realized she wasn't in bed with me. Wait...that's not a dying animal, that's someone throwing up.

"Oh shit this can't be good." I quickly stood up and ran over to the bathroom.

(Y/N) POV:

"Ricky, I'm okay..." Before I knew it I was no longer alone and I was joined on the bathroom floor by my amazingly handsome boyfriend Ricky.

"Baby you're shaking..." I could hear the sadness in his voice. I was laid against the bathroom wall curled up into a ball with just shorts and a tank top on, my normal pajamas.

I didn't reply to him, I kind of just sat there wishing the sickness would magically go away. However the devil's hour was treating me well tonight and before I could even choke out a response I was back throwing up all over again. Despite all of this though there Ricky was, holding my hair back like a true champ. I sniffled and slowly stood up, again being overwhelmed with the dizzy feeling that I had experienced the first time I stood up. I turned and buried my face into Ricky's chest holding on for dear life.

"You okay?" He returned the feeling of not wanting to let me go.

"I'm dizzy and I can't see anything." I sniffled. I got this feeling a lot and it sucked honestly. I slowly hugged the thin boy even tighter and just breathed in his scent making me feel a whole lot better. "Can we please go lay back down" I mumbled against his shirt.

"Of course, anything for a Horror queen like you." he picked me up slowly and carried me back to the bed laying me down and tucking me back into the warm blankets. Damn I loved this man.

Ricky's POV:

Before I could even get back into bed (Y/N) was already asleep. I wonder how long she had been up before I found her like that. I mean I know she hates when people go and help her but I could never just leave her like that all by herself. The least I could do was hold her hair back.

I watched her sleep for a few minutes, not in a creepy way but in a cute and meaningful way. The way she slept was so precious. Her soft skin, her soft lips parted ever so slightly, and her long eyelashes that rested flawlessly on her cheeks. How did I end up with someone this beautiful?!?! I slowly drifted off to sleep myself, having thoughts about how pretty (Y/N) truly was no matter if she was sick or not.

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