Lipstick Stains - Imagine 3

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(Y/N) POV:

"Im. So. Tired. Of. This. Shit. " I mumbled tiredly into my hands that were currently covering my face. My boss ended up scheduling me for unbelievable hours this whole week and it just seemed like I couldn't catch a break. Between working, sleeping, and finding a decent time that I could video call my boyfriend Ricky, that was all the time I had. Honestly all I wanted right now was to go home, take a relaxing bath, and be able to fall asleep next to Ricky. But that was pretty impossible considering he was currently on tour with his band.

It really bugged me not being able to see Ricky for this long. I mean it had been almost 6 months since we saw each other last, but I knew how much he loved the band and playing for the fans so I tried my best to set those emotions aside and just finish my stupid closing shift.

Ricky's POV:

"I. Hate. Airports." I sighed and walked quickly out of the busy hustle and bustle of the airport and finally got the fresh air I so desperately needed. Another thing I so desperately needed was (y/n). I haven't seen her in six months and I was starting to go crazy. I thought about asking her to join me on tour but I knew how much she was working lately and I didnt want to bother her with the question. Plus I mean we had video calls but they just weren't the same.

We tried to call every night after I played our show and she was out of work but she was always so tired and even fell asleep on the call a few times. All I could do was listen to her short breaths and wish I was there next to her. However little did she know that I had something up my sleeve...

(Y/N) POV:

I got out of my car and slowly dragged my aching body into our apartment. The nightly mental breakdown that was soon to come like every other night was quickly coming around the corner. As I went to unlock the door I realized that it had already been unlocked. Great. No Ricky here. A shitty job. A girl in pain from working said job. And now a serial killer that broke into my apartment. Just what I needed tonight.

"If you want my money I get it okay I'll just hand it over." I choked out trying not to overthink about the shitty week life had given me this week. I laid my keys on the table like I normally do every other, day expecting the serial whatever fuck he or she was to come around the corner at any minute.

"WHAT THE FUCK GET OFF ME! PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" I could feel their cold hands wrap around my body in a death grip.

"Are you sure you mean anything?" The voice sounded way too familiar ....

"RICKY?!?!?!?!?" I turned around and was immediately met with those baby blue eyes I loved so much. "W-why are y-you back from tour I thou-" I was interrupted as Ricky smashed our faces together resulting in a more passionate kiss then normally. It had been six months after all.

As we both broke free from each other, I looked up at him seeing my left over red lipstick stained all over his mouth. "I thought you had to film a music video for Vinny after the tour so you wouldn't be back for another 2 weeks." I looked at him puzzled

"I told Vinny that I really needed to see you first and he agreed that it was a good idea for us to spend a little time together before i go help him with that." He smiled moving a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I smiled back up at him and hugged him tighter than I ever had before.

"I love you so much you know that?" I whispered just soft enough that he could here.

"And I love you even more" he placed a quick kiss onto my forehead "but since i'm back home know you don't have to have those mental breakdowns alone right?

"H-how'd you know about those?" I asked kind of shocked.

"You had one in your sleep when we were on a call together on time." He said smiling remembering the moment.

"And you didn't end the call?" I always hated falling asleep on calls. It made me feel stupid the next morning.

"Of course not!" Ricky's sweet laugh echoed throughout the dark apartment.

"Gosh you can be such an ass.....but can we argue about this in the morning because im really tired." I yawned and laid my head on his chest listening to his heart beat enjoying the fact he was finally back in my arms.

"Yes please the old lady on the plane wouldn't shut up even if it meant keeping her first born kid alive." His laugh once again filled the room and I couldn't help but be jumping for joy inside because I finally had my favorite person with me once again.

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